
Stories about: blue origin

Blue Origin Shows New Shepard Crew Capsule with Largest Windows Ever in Space
Blue Origin Shows New Shepard Crew Capsule with Largest Windows Ever in Space

28 Jul 2018, 09:20 UTC · By: Daniel Patrascu / First video showing the interior of the New Shepard space capsule was released by Blue Origin, showing the largest windows ever in space.

Blue Origin Launches New Shepard in Successful Escape Test
Blue Origin Launches New Shepard in Successful Escape Test

19 Jul 2018, 09:58 UTC · By: Daniel Patrascu / Blue Origin launches the New Shepard for the ninth time, both the booster and the capsule managed to land safely after the flight

Blue Origin Space Tickets on Sale from 2019
Blue Origin Space Tickets on Sale from 2019

25 Jun 2018, 08:01 UTC · By: Daniel Patrascu / Blue Origin executive says sales of tickets for the company's trips to space could begin as soon as 2019, prices yet undisclosed.

NASA Getting Ready to Start Mining Alien Planets
NASA Getting Ready to Start Mining Alien Planets

3 Jun 2018, 07:59 UTC · By: Daniel Patrascu / NASA awards contracts to ten private companies to develop the technologies needed for in-situ resource utilization (ISRU).

Blue Origin's Race to the Stars
Blue Origin's Race to the Stars

12 May 2018, 11:12 UTC · By: Daniel Patrascu / Blue Origin is the third biggest private company trying to make a mark on the future with the rocket technologies it is developing.

Book Your Vacation in Space with the World’s First Space Travel Agent
Book Your Vacation in Space with the World’s First Space Travel Agent

4 May 2018, 11:24 UTC · By: Daniel Patrascu / British company creates what is supposedly the world's first travel agency to book travel to the future space hotel three years from now.

Pac-Man Effect is Why People Don’t Fall Off the Edge of Our Flat Earth
Pac-Man Effect is Why People Don’t Fall Off the Edge of Our Flat Earth

3 May 2018, 11:31 UTC · By: Daniel Patrascu / Flat Earth society meeting in the UK comes up with interesting theories regarding some of the biggest questions they have about the planet

Jeff Bezos’ New Shepard Climbs to the Edge of Space
Jeff Bezos’ New Shepard Climbs to the Edge of Space

2 May 2018, 08:08 UTC · By: Daniel Patrascu / Blue Origin conducts its eight test flight of the New Shepard space system, carrying cargo from NASA and the German Aerospace Center.

Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin Safely Lands Rocket Leaving SpaceX One Step Behind
Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin Safely Lands Rocket Leaving SpaceX One Step Behind

24 Nov 2015, 13:30 UTC · By: Ionut Ungureanu / The space competition has started for some time now. The first important step towards developing commercial space trips is a reusable rocket