
Stories about: Ford sports car

Ford Trademarks the "RS200" Name, What Are They up to This Time?
Ford Trademarks the "RS200" Name, What Are They up to This Time?

14 Mar 2024, 08:13 UTC · By: Elena Luchian / Ford seems willing to revive a legendary name by filing an application to trademark the "RS200" designation. What is the carmaker up to?

2006 Ford GT Is a Garage Queen, Has Hardly Ever Seen the Road in 17 Years
2006 Ford GT Is a Garage Queen, Has Hardly Ever Seen the Road in 17 Years

16 Oct 2023, 20:18 UTC · By: Elena Luchian / It is a 2006 Ford GT, one of the only 2,011 that the carmaker built for the model year out of a total of 4,038 ever made