
Yellow Corvette Is Used for BASE Jumping, but Not How You’d Think

Chevrole Corvette in BASE jump video 1 photo
Photo: Screenshot from YouTube
We were having kind of mixed feelings about this one. The title reads “Sports Car BASE Jump,” and we figured we were going to see somebody jump off a cliff with a sports car.
From there on, there were two alternatives, one a lot more painful than the other. The first one saw the driver reach safety at the bottom of the drop due to his parachute, but the car would smash into the ground, sending bits and pieces flying all over the place. That would have been cool, but also hard to watch.

Our second version of what was going to happen included a much larger parachute that would have been able to save said sports car - and Thelma and Louise, for that matter, had they used one - by ensuring a completely different encounter with the ground than in the first scenario. You don’t get to see cars parachuting every day, so we were OK with both of the two options.

The first shot also reveals the car in question: it’s a pristine Chevrolet Corvette C6 Convertible painted bright yellow. Suddenly, the first of the two plans of action doesn’t sound so enjoyable anymore. And the fact that it’s a convertible only adds to the chances that the guy will leap out of the car as it’s free falling. But there’s two of them and only one is wearing a helmet, so there’s still hope.

They then drive on top of a high bridge, and it all starts to make sense. The car isn’t going anywhere off the asphalt, but the Frenchman in the right seat is about to perform a trick worthy of a James Bond movie: he’ll jump out of the car and over the railing while the vehicle is moving. Not quite as spectacular as any of the previous two options, but you can’t blame them for not wanting to take any risks with the Corvette.

But then something unexpected happens, something that had us feeling the same way as when we found out there was no Santa Claus. We won’t spoil it for you, as we want to spread the pain. Come on, hit play if you’re man enough.

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About the author: Vlad Mitrache
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"Boy meets car, boy loves car, boy gets journalism degree and starts job writing and editing at a car magazine" - 5/5. (Vlad Mitrache if he was a movie)
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