
Woman Fails Driver's Exam 959 Times, Gets a Kia Soul

Remember how a few days ago we brought you a piece of news from South Korea about a woman who tried, times and times again, ever since 2005, to get her driver's license? Remember how she managed in the end to get it, after 960 tries?

Well, here comes another piece of news about the same woman from South Korea, Cha Sa-soon. Apparently, her resilience and perseverance impressed so much the top brass at the Hyundai-Kia group that a decision to award the 69-year old Sa-soon was made.

According to The New York Times, Hyundai-Kia gave the woman, as a present, a brand new Kia Soul. The decision was made after the online community in pretty much all areas of the world had something to say about the story, so it must have seemed quite the smart PR move to Kia.

In case you missed the original story, here's a small recap: the woman tried to get her license each day, five days a week but failed every time. She then slowed down to about twice a week. The decision seems to have payed off, as she finally managed to get what she was after. Five years and 960 attempts later.

So, what else is left to say than “Congrats!”? If we'd knew we could get a car for free for failing so many times, some of us might have tried a bit harder to fail say, 970 times.

Piece of advice for South Korean drivers though: beware of the granny driving a Kia Soul. And, for those with a taste of humor, here's a little question some of you might like to answer: Why can't Cha Sa-soon pass her driver's test?
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About the author: Daniel Patrascu
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Daniel loves writing (or so he claims), and he uses this skill to offer readers a "behind the scenes" look at the automotive industry. He also enjoys talking about space exploration and robots, because in his view the only way forward for humanity is away from this planet, in metal bodies.
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