
Wild Monkey Teardrop Campers Still Reign Supreme but Are Off-Limits to Most of the World

Wild Monkey Teardrop 18 photos
Photo: Wild Monkey Campers
Wild Monkey TeardropWild Monkey TeardropWild Monkey TeardropWild Monkey TeardropWild Monkey TeardropWild Monkey TeardropWild Monkey TeardropWild Monkey TeardropWild Monkey TeardropWild Monkey TeardropWild Monkey TeardropWild Monkey TeardropWild Monkey TeardropWild Monkey TeardropWild Monkey TeardropWild Monkey TeardropWild Monkey Teardrop
A couple of years ago, I stumbled upon a teardrop camper manufacturer that simply blew me away with their level of attention. That crew is none other than Wild Monkey Campers, and now, we check back in with this crew to see how things have developed.
Folks, back in 2022, I encountered a team by the name of Wild Monkey Campers, and what really grabbed my attention back then was just how serious they were about crafting the perfect teardrop camper. Taking into consideration that this team is based in Australia, a land where everything is fighting for its survival, you can bet your bottom dollar their machines are on a different level, and they are. Hitch up, connect those chains, and let's hit the road.

Now, what's important to note about Wild Monkey is the way they approach their builds, by offering three teardrop camper options. The first and least expensive is going for no more than $24K Australian, which is roughly $16K American, so quite the deal. That's the Buddy layout, of which an updated version was released in late 2023.

Wild Monkey Teardrop
Photo: Wild Monkey Campers
But, the real serious machines are the Splendour LX and GT units. These babies start off at $35,500 Australian and $37,500 respectively. That's roughly $23,700 American and $25K American. Oh, and each version was built upon the cheaper one before, so you can find the right price for yourself with ease.

That's one hell of a deal no matter who you ask, and if we consider that it's along the lines of what we see in the gallery, sign me up to figure out which unit is which, you'll need to give Wild Monkey a call, as they don't make any mention on their website.

Nonetheless, this doesn't stop us from taking a closer look at all that this crew can do, and all that starts with you kicking back and pretending you own one of these babies. But to make things easier to understand, I'll point out as much of what's possible as I can.

As you do, you'll find yourself driving along some highway with a camper built out of a whole lot of wood, mainly birch and aluminum exterior panels. The underside is protected with Raptor coating, sealing things off from whatever waters or sand dunes you decide to roll through.

Wild Monkey Teardrop
Photo: Wild Monkey Campers
Once you finally make it to that "X" on your map, it's time to get comfortable and unravel the rest of the magic that is a Wild Monkey teardrop. From the side, you'll unravel a bat-wing awning, helping you expand your campsite, and since you have a roof rack as well, why not unload the outdoor dining set and outdoor shower tent as well?

If you have the rack reserved for a rooftop tent, then you'll find all the goodies I mentioned in a forward storage box at the front of the unit. this also means that a family of four should have no trouble using a Wild Monkey to survive off-grid for a few days.

Back at ground level, I want to shed some special attention on the galley setups Wild Monkey can bring to light. Again, birch is king here, but what I loved most was the way the manufacturer designed the cabinetry, countertop, side tables, and slide-outs; that curved look is just so dang appealing, and if you feel otherwise, do leave your two cents below.

Within that cabinetry, we can place fridges, cooktops, utensils, water tanks, and even access to the electrical system. The countertop is reserved for a few cupboards and a faucet and sink, but only if you ask for it; the standard Buddy doesn't include a sink and faucet. Be sure to kick back and picture yourself cooking up a meal for your family as they wait under the awning or gathering firewood for the evening's fire pit.

Wild Monkey Teardrop
Photo: Wild Monkey Campers
Speaking of evening, at some point in time, you'll want to get some rest, and to do that, we have to head inside. Here, more birch lines the walls and makes up the cabinetry, too. But don't worry about the use of so much wood; the manufacturer mentions that this stuff is finished with three coats of marine-grade lacquer.

Interiors are typically ready with a queen mattress, and a few other basics you'd need while out on the road. But, if you go for the pricier layouts, we'll find USB ports, entertainment systems, battery packs to operate everything, and a roof fan with a water sensor, just to name a few.

Speaking of pricier layouts, the most equipped unit, the Splendour XL, weighs 600 kg (1,322 lbs) and can handle up to 1,000 kg (2,204 lbs) of total load. So there's plenty of room for goodies and toys, extra family members, and even some extra features that Wild Monkey doesn't showcase. Solar panels are a great idea; the base model is prewired for one.

For the rest of our time together, I'm going to let you run free and create the sort of experience you want, but there is something you need to consider before you start hunting Wild Monkey down for a new unit: they're Australian, so you'll need to move to the land down under if you want in on the action.

Then again, you may not need to. These days, a few North American crews are busy crafting units similar to these, and for prices that are typically seen only in Aussieland, you just have to follow what we post on autoevolution.
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About the author: Cristian Curmei
Cristian Curmei profile photo

A bit of a nomad at heart (being born in Europe and raised in several places in the USA), Cristian is enamored with travel trailers, campers and bikes. He also tests and writes about urban means of transportation like scooters, mopeds and e-bikes (when he's not busy hosting our video stories and guides).
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