
Why Struggle With Cables? Top Android Auto Wireless Adapter Has an Offer You Can't Refuse

AAWireless is the world's top Android Auto wireless adapter 7 photos
Photo: Bogdan Popa/autoevolution/AAWireless
AAWireless Android Auto dongleAAWireless Android Auto dongleAAWireless Android Auto dongleAAWireless Android Auto dongleAAWireless Android Auto dongleNew price cut
Cables can become a major source of frustration for Android Auto users, and the reason comes down to the app's stability and reliability. Cables can lead to all kinds of issues on Android Auto, from broken connections to random disconnects happening when you need the app the most.
While some users claim they've found the magic setup to run Android Auto, as their cable never misbehaves and offers a flawless experience in the app, it's often a matter of time until these connection issues appear.

That's why going wireless is the best option.

Android Auto wireless doesn't suffer from these problems, and giving up on cables makes using the app more convenient. You can keep your phone in your pocket or backpack because the connection is established when you start the engine automatically without a cable.

Not all cars come with Android Auto wireless, but everybody whose vehicle sport support for the wired version can ditch cables. It's all thanks to a device called AAWireless that invented a new product category a few years ago. Android Auto wireless adapters allow users to convert wired into wireless thanks to a clever approach.

New price cut
Photo: AAWireless
These devices connect to your vehicle using the USB port offering Android Auto wired support and to your mobile device via Bluetooth. When you configure the device, you pair your phone with the adapter, so it becomes responsible for transmitting the wireless signal to the vehicle.

AAWireless was, is, and will continue to be the world's number one Android Auto wireless adapter, and thanks to a new price cut, it's now more affordable than ever. The device can be yours for $59.99 in the United States and €59,99 in Europe on the company's website and on Amazon – it is worth knowing that the device is currently out of stock on Amazon, but it should become available again in the coming days.

The price cut makes AAWireless a more affordable way to go wireless ahead of the debut of the second-generation model. That's right, a new AAWireless model is on its way, and the main highlight is the support for CarPlay. The device will allow users to convert CarPlay wired to wireless, so Apple users can ditch cables, too. Similar devices already exist in the Apple playground, but AAWireless promises a more stable and reliable experience, similar to what it already offers to Android Auto users.

The parent company has yet to announce the launch date for AAWireless 2, but we know it'll happen this year, perhaps in the fall. Until then, the first-generation model serves its purpose just right, and if you run Android Auto in your car, there's no reason not to give it a try, especially at this new price.
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About the author: Bogdan Popa
Bogdan Popa profile photo

Bogdan keeps an eye on how technology is taking over the car world. His long-term goals are buying an 18-wheeler because he needs more space for his kid’s toys, and convincing Google and Apple that Android Auto and CarPlay deserve at least as much attention as their phones.
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