
What ZR1? Ferrari SF90 Stradale Benchmarked Against New Corvette Prototypes, Possibly Zora

C8 Chevrolet Corvette prototypes spied with Ferrari 7 photos
Photo: Charles Chapman via Facebook
C8 Chevrolet Corvette prototypes spied with FerrariC8 Chevrolet Corvette prototypes spied with FerrariC8 Chevrolet Corvette prototypes spied with FerrariC8 Chevrolet Corvette prototypes spied with FerrariC8 Chevrolet Corvette prototypes spied with FerrariC8 Chevrolet Corvette prototypes spied with Ferrari
In a recent post signed by Charles Chapman, a member of the C8 Corvette Owners (and Friends) group on Facebook, we see General Motors doing another round of benchmarking – this time with a Ferrari SF90 Stradale!
Over time, Team Corvette has done a lot of prototype testing throughout America. As such, some people have grown accustomed to these sightings and know the classic routes taken by GM's engineering team to and from development procedures. Thus, it's not exactly surprising that every now and then, we get a non-professional spy photographer scoop from people who catch the latest Corvette on a lunch break.

This is exactly what happened to a friend of Colin Chapman, who captured some pictures of C8 Chevrolet Corvette prototypes – and they both thought they were most likely ZR1s. Chapman, a great sport, posted the findings on the C8 Corvette Owners (and Friends) group on Facebook so that others can see what Team Corvette has been up to lately.

Their assessment of this being a group of ZR1s is mostly sane logic – the General Motors subsidiary Chevrolet is preparing a huge introduction for the classic flagship high-performance version of 'America's sports car,' and they have already started the teasing game. However, there's something fishy about these prototypes that made a lot of people believe they may not be ZR1s at all.

More precisely, the team of engineers and test drivers were caught with the prototypes on a benchmarking outing – against a Ferrari SF90 Stradale. Don't get us wrong; the C8 Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 is going to be a new kind of Z06 beast, with rumors pointing toward the 5.5-liter flat-plane LT6 engine getting (for the first time ever) a pair of turbochargers instead of the traditional supercharger and getting away with 850 horsepower.

But the Ferrari SF90 Stradale is a mid-engine plug-in hybrid supercar on par with the new Lamborghini Revuelto, which has a 4.0-liter twin-turbo V8 plus three electric motors for a combined output of 986 horsepower. That, for sure, is out of ZR1's league, even if Team Corvette strives for comparable performance. Usually, though, in order to get the upper hand, you need to come out with something better rather than just being on par.

As such, a lot of voices asked if those weren't the fabled C8 Chevrolet Corvette Zora, a new type of flagship that would reach fresh, electrified heights and possibly compete in the supercar department alongside Ferrari, Lamborghini, and others. Frankly, if you want our two cents on the matter, this might be Zora in the early stages of development – we have seen quite a few ZR1s already, and they don't need to cover them for a lunch break anymore because the secret is about to be made public. What do you think of this find?
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About the author: Aurel Niculescu
Aurel Niculescu profile photo

Aurel has aimed high all his life (literally, at 16 he was flying gliders all by himself) so in 2006 he switched careers and got hired as a writer at his favorite magazine. Since then, his work has been published both by print and online outlets, most recently right here, on autoevolution.
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