
Watch This Video and Never Complain About Tight Parking Spots Again

Semi truck god driver 1 photo
Photo: YouTube screenshots
We all have one maneuver we've done at some point during our lives as drivers that we're very proud of. Well, prepare to feel small, very small, compared to what this guy pulled off.
Mine, for example, is getting out of a very difficult position one of my neighbors put me in just a few weeks after getting my driver's license. I'm pretty convinced that what took me about two minutes back then, I would now do in just a few seconds, but for somebody who only a couple of weeks before was still using the subway, getting out of that trap made me feel like a god.

But, like most of you, I can only drive passenger cars and light commercial vehicles, so I have it easy. Not only are they relatively small, but they also often come with parking sensors, reverse cameras, and even a 360-degree birds-eye view. If you can't parallel park a car like that in a spot with three feet of clearance then maybe you shouldn't bother driving anymore.

Other drivers, though, they have to take care of eighteen wheels, and an articulation to boot. If we were to make a comparison, we'd be the nutritionist, while they are the brain surgeons. Well, maybe I'm giving them a little too much credit, but this guy would definitely have the necessary precision to remove a tumor.

We have no idea what he was doing there in the first place since that doesn't look like the kind of neighborhood where a semi truck should be, but as the video starts it's a bit too late for that as he's already got the tractor stuck between two houses. That's the kind of gap that would make you slow down even if you were in a smart Fortwo, let alone a Scania truck and coming at an angle.

The quality of the footage makes it difficult to tell whether he actually managed to (spoilers) get through without touching the two balconies, but he deserves a day off and a bonus even if he did scratch something lightly. Sit back and watch this nailbiting maneuver.

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About the author: Vlad Mitrache
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"Boy meets car, boy loves car, boy gets journalism degree and starts job writing and editing at a car magazine" - 5/5. (Vlad Mitrache if he was a movie)
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