
Watch Grown Men Scream like Little Girls over a Mazda RX3

Mazda RX3 burnout 1 photo
Photo: Screenshot from YouTube
Cars are one of the few things that can really ignite strong passions in some of us, ignite spirits and make us behave irrationally. Kind of like alcohol, which makes it even more weird how the two just don’t mix.
But an even better example is music. Think about all the girls who fainted when they saw Elvis Presley, the Beatles or Michael Jackson - and I’m being a little unfair and sexist here, as there were boys as well who lost it. And it’s a natural reaction - the body just can’t cope with the level of excitement seeing something you love so much live can generate, so it shuts down. It’s a defense mechanism, just like computers do when they overheat.

For some people, this kind of emotions can be obtained by attending a car event. The sound of engines, the smell of burnt fuel and rubber, the beers had a few minutes before (so they do mix, just not for the one driving) and the company of friends in a similar disposition can make you do things you didn’t think yourself capable of before.

The sunny atmosphere in the middle of January should immediately tell you that this footage was taken somewhere in the Southern hemisphere. And you’d be right, as the event being attended by the group of high-pitch screamers was called Summernats 29 and was being held in Australia.

The reason those young men got so excited was a quad-rotor Mazda RX3, a wonderful and fairly rare car with an unmistakable engine sound and a rev limit even higher than the boys’ pitch. After what most people would call a modest burnout, the RX3 driver stops right next to the loud mouths, which could have you believe they weren’t exactly meeting for the first time.

That’s when the hysteria peaks, with the men right next to the car urging the driver to spool up the engine by waving their hands intensely and screaming as if chased by a pride of lions. The driver rewards their enthusiasm with some nice revs that make the exhaust sing, and everybody can catch their breaths for a second or two until the next car drives by.

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About the author: Vlad Mitrache
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"Boy meets car, boy loves car, boy gets journalism degree and starts job writing and editing at a car magazine" - 5/5. (Vlad Mitrache if he was a movie)
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