
Wally et Hermes WHY Yacht: A Rich Boy's Wet Dream

If you are not insanely rich (and we reckon you're not, since you're reading this instead of shopping on Jameslist), then Wally et Hermes Yachts doesn't ring any bells and their endeavors in the field of yacht design are as familiar to you as the inside of a Dacia Logan is to our Sir May B. Bach (you know, the filthy rich-ahem guy from our test drive section).

Wally et Hermes WHY Yacht pricing and further updates here.

By the way, Sir Bach knows about Wally et Hermes (rumor is he owns them), so we had to refer to him to enlighten our pagan souls, but we'll talk about that later.

Since all of us here at autoevolution are as rich as you are (meaning we're not) our focus is not primarily on finding stuff about yachts and such, so we must admit, we accidentally stumbled upon the WHY, the latest design exercise of several people from both Hermes and Wally.

So, we reverse charge called Sir Bach (he explicitly asked to be referred to as Sir Bach by the lesser news editors team) and asked him a little something about the new toy.

Sir Bach politely answered all of our questions, but only after he let us know that some two years ago, Wally presented the WallyIsland, a 99 meter gigayacht, or a floating personal island, as Sir Bach likes to call the one he bought.

Back to the WHY, the latest contraption is a 58 meters long, 38 meters-wide floating holiday resort. The yacht displaces 2,400 tons and it can accommodate 12 passengers and 20 crew members. The WHY has a top speed of 14 knots and a cruise speed of 12, with an autonomy range which will allow it to cross the Atlantic four times.

The WHY comes equipped with solar panels, which produce a daily output of 500 kW and is among the greenest yachts out there, saving some 200 tons of diesel per year. But that's the boring stuff, Sir Bach says.

What's really interesting is what it can do for the 12 guests. WHY has a 25 meter long swimming pool, three decks, a spa, a 100 square meters helicopter pad, sauna, gym and massage room, a 130 meters promenade, a music room, a dining room, a cinema, sun decks, suites, terraces, a lounge and five suites (with the sixth, specially designed for Sir Bach, covering 200 square meters, or the entire third deck)...

We asked Sir Bach why would one build the WHY. He asked us back: "Why did they... ahem... say they built the WHY?" We told him they said because "everybody's dream is to live on an island, in complete freedom, with the independence that only self-sufficiency can provide". He said "...ahem..." and hung up. We later learned he ordered two.

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About the author: Daniel Patrascu
Daniel Patrascu profile photo

Daniel loves writing (or so he claims), and he uses this skill to offer readers a "behind the scenes" look at the automotive industry. He also enjoys talking about space exploration and robots, because in his view the only way forward for humanity is away from this planet, in metal bodies.
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