
Tsunami Video Shows the Force of the Disaster

Nearly three weeks have passed since the quake-tsunami deadly pair destroyed cities and killed thousands on the Japanese northeastern coast and, despite the countless reports and videos we've seen since then, nothing seems to be able to fully describe the force of the water that came and washed away property and lives. Except for this video, perhaps...

It was all recorded in the port of Kesennuma by an amateur climbed on top of a building, right near the water. At first, the few dozen cars that are being washed away towards an embankment don't seem like much, and neither does the tsunami wave itself.

Once it manages to pass over the elevation protecting the road nearby, the wave seems to get a life of its own. Tons and tons of water, rushing in from all over the place, begin pouring onto the road, the nearby parking lot and the city in the distance.

As the seconds pass, the height of the wave becomes so big that the elevation which was there a minute ago is completely submerged. The cars in the parking lot are taken away and forced against a building, while in the distance a truck, which had been resisting the water, loses the battle and gets carried away as well.

With the increase in size, the wave catches speed as well, becoming more and more violent as the time passes. Now, alongside cars and boats, entire buildings are leveled and their remains float away in a mixture of water, metal and wood that seems will never end.

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About the author: Daniel Patrascu
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Daniel loves writing (or so he claims), and he uses this skill to offer readers a "behind the scenes" look at the automotive industry. He also enjoys talking about space exploration and robots, because in his view the only way forward for humanity is away from this planet, in metal bodies.
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