
The Most Beautiful Teardrop Camper I've Seen Is Covered in Copper and Has Suicide Doors

Copper Teardrop 12 photos
Photo: The Love Bird Company
Copper TeardropCopper TeardropCopper TeardropCopper TeardropCopper TeardropCopper TeardropCopper TeardropCopper TeardropCopper TeardropCopper TeardropCopper Teardrop
Folks, this could be it: the most beautiful teardrop camper in the world! Oh, and none other than a crew from the Netherlands put it together; I would have put my money on North America, but life is full of surprises. Hang on to your hats for this one because the Copper Teardrop is about to blow you away.
I'm not going to lie. I've seen quite a few camper and travel trailer designs on this screen of mine, but rarely have I encountered a unit quite like the Copper Teardrop, the ravishing beauty before you today. Where did it come from? How is it made? And where the hell can we get one, are all questions we'll be answering today.

It all starts with a little laser-cutting shop outside of Eindhoven, Netherlands. It's here that we lock eyes with The Love Bird Company (LBC), an independently operated and owned laser-cutting business. Just so you understand the size of this crew, their Facebook page has just 818 followers. Let's see if we can bump those numbers up a bit.

Copper Teardrop
Photo: The Love Bird Company
Now, LBC has experience building sets for shows and performances, so its ability to craft a story with its products has been trained and honed over the past twenty years or so. That said, the Copper Teardrop has a story of its own, one we know nothing about as the manufacturer's website makes no mention of anything; we have but a few photos to tell the story.

As we can see, the main building materials are a whole lot of copper and, as is typical of a teardrop, a wooden frame to help give this puppy its shape. With these two building blocks, LBC brings to life an exterior that's sure to attract the attention of all on-lookers as you roll into the campgrounds.

Along the side, large copper panels are balanced by a wooden trim that creates two entrances, one on each side of the unit, and ready with suicide doors; just a small detail that contributes to the overall pizzazz of this unit.

Another feature that grabs your attention and does it in the finest of ways is the central wirework we see. I've never seen anything quite like it, and if you ask me, all teardrop campers should have something like this. Worry not; a one-piece clear polymer sheet separates guests from the elements. I bet the pitter-patter of rain on here is bound to look and sound amazing.

Copper Teardrop
Photo: The Love Bird Company
Then there's the rear of this camper, and what do we typically find in such a place? Nothing more than a galley. However, the Copper Teardrop is something else to behold. It's also here that the whole slightly steampunk theme of this travel trailer comes to light.

Yet again, I was blown away by the level of attention to detail this under-the-radar crew put into this camper. Starting with the underside of the rear hatch, a world map is visible, split into the Western and Eastern parts, hinting at just what you should be doing with something like this: traveling the world!

As we move down the galley, we can see wood making up the shelves and storage bays needed for utensils, as well as a large countertop with a few trinkets here and there, including a tea kettle and pot. I wonder if an induction top is incorporated into the counter, but it's most likely hiding in any of the drawers below. Be sure to check out the body curvature being expressed and the way the copper fenders shine through from the rear.

Copper Teardrop
Photo: The Love Bird Company
After filling your bellies with whatever goodies you can manage to cook up in such a galley, it's time to retire to the interior of your home on wheels and take a little siesta. Once inside, we're graced with a view of the world outside through that overhead cut-out, and warped cupboards keep true to the shape of the unit, giving rise to a truly unique space. The same world map wallpaper or lining is seen here, too, and bound to create a wonderful story at the right festival.

That said, how can we get our hands on one of these? Well, you're going to have to build it yourself because, as far as I know, this was a one-off project. Maybe, just maybe, you can get ahold of The Love Bird Company and beg them to build one for you. Why not bribe them for the schematics?

Then again, with a bit of ingenuity, knowledge of working with wood and metals, and the bucks to pay for everything, you, too, can build a gem like this one. Who knows, maybe the next article we cover is about you. That said, would you roll around the world in a unit like this one? Let us know in the comment section.
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About the author: Cristian Curmei
Cristian Curmei profile photo

A bit of a nomad at heart (being born in Europe and raised in several places in the USA), Cristian is enamored with travel trailers, campers and bikes. He also tests and writes about urban means of transportation like scooters, mopeds and e-bikes (when he's not busy hosting our video stories and guides).
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