
The Diamond Standard: These American-Built Transporters Are "Class C RVs," but for Horses

Ford STX Van 15 photos
Photo: Stephex Group
It may look like an ordinary Class C RV from the outside, all except that massive side door, but what we're actually looking at is nothing other than a mobile home for your most prized steeds; these are horse transporters that'll make your pony feel like the deities they are.
For some reason, life's been throwing horses my way lately, and so, working with autoevolution, I've decided to bring to light some of the vehicles used to care for and transport these majestic and noble animals.

My journey has led me to a Belgium crew dubbed Stephex Horsetrucks. While I don't expect you to know who this crew is, they are one of the leading names in the equine business, be it for stables, transport systems, or breeding. They craft two models exclusively for the US: the STX Ford Transit and STX Ram Promaster.

Now, Stephex created an entirely new brand for this lineup of vehicles, calling them STX Vans, and if you're in the US right now and have a couple of show or race ponies that are in need of an upgrade, you can travel down to Florida or Michigan and see what the fuss is all about.

Photo: Stephex Group
If you're familiar with horse trucks and trailers, then you know that some of the bigger vehicles this industry spits out do, in fact, include living spaces for stablehands and other people. However, the STX vehicles are only suitable for short-term transport. They don't include a bathroom or living room like some of the other transporters I've covered, but they are no less meaningful for those who need one.

Everything starts with a Ford Transit or Ram Promaster base vehicle, and it kind of doesn't matter which one you go for, as they're both equipped with a 280 hp engine and weigh 3.5 tons. Oh, and as you'd expect, they're proudly built in the US; no imports here.

Kicking things off, let's take a closer look at the rear of these babies. After all, it's the most important part of this type of vehicle. Since these are two-horse transporters, the rear cabin is designed to easily allow you to adjust the size of the stables it a neat little partition. Furthermore, the flooring is all rubber, so minimal slippage during transit is ensured. then again, the fastening chains offer the same support.

Photo: Stephex Group
Integrated into what appears to be a fiberglass shell, a tack room with saddle and bridle holders are also part of the magic. Oh, and if your steeds are curious beyond belief, skylights and lateral windows are also part of the magic.

A few extras include things like LED lighting, cupboards, storage cabinets, and, above all, cameras to keep in constant contact with your stallions. As for access into this rather hip stable, a side ramp is added to the construction. Honestly, I wouldn't mind being a horse right about now. However, don't forget that STX is the sort of crew that's open to options, so you can go for a bespoke unit.

As for the two-legged animals of this story, the humans, all we have to our names is the vehicle itself and all the cab features. Since Ford and Ram are at the base of the magic here, we can expect all those same features the brands are known for, but with a few upgrades.

Photo: Stephex Group
For example, the seating bench is made from leather, and the driver gets their own captain's chair. Electric windows and mirrors accompany the experience, and so does a Bluetooth entertainment center. All that's supported with an automatic gearbox cruise control, AC, and trailer hitch, in case you need to bring along a few extras. Other than that, it's all up to your needs and pockets.

The question is, just how much can we expect to dish out for something like this? Well, it depends on a few factors, but the main ones are the modifications you make to your unit. That said, a 2023 unit can be found going for around $130K (€120,300 at current exchange rates), so if your stallions are bringing in more than that, go for it.

Now, if we put all that into one neat package, and you and your noble equine are at the center of the action, what do you have? First off, nothing but Ford and Ram dependability. Once that's coupled with a horse-handling lifestyle that goes back decades, not only will you be smiling, but your moneymakers will be feeling the difference, too. Come race or show day that can make all the difference.

Since this is a rather new industry for me, but not so far off from the usual modified vehicles I cover, feel free to leave a comment with any other luxurious and determined horse trailer or transporter manufacturers you may know of. Until next time.
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Editor's note: Images in the gallery showcase both STX Van models.

About the author: Cristian Curmei
Cristian Curmei profile photo

A bit of a nomad at heart (being born in Europe and raised in several places in the USA), Cristian is enamored with travel trailers, campers and bikes. He also tests and writes about urban means of transportation like scooters, mopeds and e-bikes (when he's not busy hosting our video stories and guides).
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