
That's Not How You Wash a Ferrari 488 Pista – Iconic Supercar Sleeps With the Fishes

Ferrari 488 Pista 7 photos
Photo: Instagram | mnro.garage
Ferrari 488 PistaFerrari 488 PistaFerrari 488 PistaFerrari 488 PistaFerrari 488 PistaFerrari 488 Pista
We have some good news for you if you own a Ferrari 488 Pista: the value of your supercar has just increased by becoming even rarer, as another such model was recently totaled.
Supercar lovers, especially those who have a soft spot for the Ferrari 488 Pista, should look away unless they want to have bad dreams involving this iconic model and a lot of water, as this particular copy ended up in a Swiss river.

The local media reports that the silver exotic fell into the Simme River in Garstattlast, Switzerland, on Tuesday (May 14, 2024) afternoon. In his defense, the driver didn't lose control of the wheel due to excessive speeding, as is often the case with such crashes, as his pride and joy (himself included) supposedly ended up in the water as a result of an accident on the road.

An aftermath picture shared on social media by mnro.garage shows the Italian supercar half submerged in the water, with its nose sticking out. The entire back end saw a bit too much H20 before the vehicle was rescued by the local authorities, which responded with three vehicles, 16 men, and a 33-foot (10-meter) long ladder to get the driver out, too.

Ferrari 488 Pista
Photo: Instagram | blick
The man is said to have been in the water for around 40 minutes before being rescued and did not sustain serious injuries. Nevertheless, he was still taken to the hospital as a precaution. A clip released on Instagram by blick shows the aftermath of the accident, with the driver hanging on for dear life climbed onto the car's central pillar on the right-hand side.

Unveiled in 2018, the Ferrari 488 Pista, whose suffix means 'track' in Italian, is a track-focused version of its more mainstream sibling. It has a more aggressive design inspired by the 488 Challenge and 488 GTE racers of the era, as well as multiple mechanical modifications that make it more capable on twisty roads than the 488 GTB.

Power comes from a 3.9-liter V8 with twin turbos, which unleashes 710 hp (720 ps/530 kW) and 568 pound-foot (770 Nm) of torque at a hard push of the right pedal. That's 49 hp (50 ps/37 kW) and 74 lb-ft (100 Nm) of torque more than the 488 GTB, which does 0-62 mph (0-100 kph) in 3.0 seconds and taps out at 205 mph (330 kph). Due to the extra oomph, the 488 Pista is nearly two-tenths quicker and has a higher top speed of 211 mph (340 kph).

In today's used car market, a Ferrari 488 Pista will set you back around $400,000, whereas low-mileage examples tend to fetch roughly $200,000 more. This one is beyond repair, as the impact(s) and cold water sealed its fate.

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About the author: Cristian Gnaticov
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After a series of unfortunate events put an end to Cristian's dream of entering a custom built & tuned old-school Dacia into a rally competition, he moved on to drive press cars and write for a living. He's worked for several automotive online journals and now he's back at autoevolution after his first tour in the mid-2000s.
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