
Tesla Plaids Drag Ford Mustang GTs and Nissan GT-R, Slow ICE Sounds 'Glorious'

Tesla Model S Plaids drag race Mustang GT, Nissan GT-R on DRACS 31 photos
Photo: Drag Racing and Car Stuff / YouTube
Tesla Model S Plaids drag race Mustang GT, Nissan GT-R on DRACSTesla Model S Plaids drag race Mustang GT, Nissan GT-R on DRACSTesla Model S Plaids drag race Mustang GT, Nissan GT-R on DRACSTesla Model S Plaids drag race Mustang GT, Nissan GT-R on DRACSTesla Model S Plaids drag race Mustang GT, Nissan GT-R on DRACSTesla Model S Plaids drag race Mustang GT, Nissan GT-R on DRACSTesla Model S Plaids drag race Mustang GT, Nissan GT-R on DRACSTesla Model S Plaids drag race Mustang GT, Nissan GT-R on DRACSTesla Model S Plaids drag race Mustang GT, Nissan GT-R on DRACSTesla Model S Plaids drag race Mustang GT, Nissan GT-R on DRACSTesla Model S Plaids drag race Mustang GT, Nissan GT-R on DRACSTesla Model S Plaids drag race Mustang GT, Nissan GT-R on DRACSTesla Model S Plaids drag race Mustang GT, Nissan GT-R on DRACSTesla Model S Plaids drag race Mustang GT, Nissan GT-R on DRACSTesla Model S Plaids drag race Mustang GT, Nissan GT-R on DRACSTesla Model S Plaids drag race Mustang GT, Nissan GT-R on DRACSTesla Model S Plaids drag race Mustang GT, Nissan GT-R on DRACSTesla Model S Plaids drag race Mustang GT, Nissan GT-R on DRACSTesla Model S Plaids drag race Mustang GT, Nissan GT-R on DRACSTesla Model S Plaids drag race Mustang GT, Nissan GT-R on DRACSTesla Model S Plaids drag race Mustang GT, Nissan GT-R on DRACSTesla Model S Plaids drag race Mustang GT, Nissan GT-R on DRACSTesla Model S Plaids drag race Mustang GT, Nissan GT-R on DRACSTesla Model S Plaids drag race Mustang GT, Nissan GT-R on DRACSTesla Model S Plaids drag race Mustang GT, Nissan GT-R on DRACSTesla Model S Plaids drag race Mustang GT, Nissan GT-R on DRACSTesla Model S Plaids drag race Mustang GT, Nissan GT-R on DRACSTesla Model S Plaids drag race Mustang GT, Nissan GT-R on DRACSTesla Model S Plaids drag race Mustang GT, Nissan GT-R on DRACSTesla Model S Plaids drag race Mustang GT, Nissan GT-R on DRACS
They say – and for good reason – that Tesla’s Plaid is the rightful king of the (electric) hill and that it will be extremely cool to see if another electric car might dethrone it, soon.
Well, it’s not going to be a bunch of ICE-powered muscle cars and a high-performance JDM grand tourer, that is for sure. At least based on the evidence provided by the videographer behind the Drag Racing and Car Stuff channel on YouTube, who has a now-traditional ‘ICE vs EV’ show of force from the Bradenton and Orlando dragstrips.

Fans of EVs think that a 4680-equipped Tesla Roadster might do the trick against the Model S and X Plaid family brutes, but that is for Elon Musk to sort out after the novelty of owning Twitter wears off. Until then, all we can do is continue to marvel at the way people “love the exhaust sound on those Plaids.”

Naturally, someone was quick to point out that “it’s actually the sound of an ICE getting dusted.” And they will not be far from the truth, as some of the Plaids involved with this fresh footage (uploaded on December 8th) even gave the head starts on a couple of runs. Alas, it was to no avail. Still, let us check out the cool facts and judge later if faster beats louder, or not.

So, the first skirmish (black Mustang GT versus dark Model S) takes place at the Bradenton Motorsports Park, one of America’s premier drag racing facilities, located in Bradenton, Florida, where it’s hot most of the time. As such, no one should be surprised by the consistently superior performance (9.2xx to 9.4xx ETs) from the Plaids throughout this video.

Alas, there was also a surprise meteoric apparition from the orange Tesla Model S Plaid in the second brawl (at the 0:35 mark, all latter drags also occurred in Orlando, Florida) when the EV achieved a cool 9.16s pass against the poor Mustang’s 11.9s evolution!

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About the author: Aurel Niculescu
Aurel Niculescu profile photo

Aurel has aimed high all his life (literally, at 16 he was flying gliders all by himself) so in 2006 he switched careers and got hired as a writer at his favorite magazine. Since then, his work has been published both by print and online outlets, most recently right here, on autoevolution.
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