
Tesla FSD V12.4.2 Still a Disappointment, Owners Blame Reviewers for Telling the Truth

Tesla FSD V12.4.2 still disappoints 7 photos
Photo: Tesla, @BLKMDL3, @WholeMarsBlog via X via X
First drive on Tesla FSD V12.4.1First drive on Tesla FSD V12.4.1First drive on Tesla FSD V12.4.1First drive on Tesla FSD V12.4.1First drive on Tesla FSD V12.4.1First drive on Tesla FSD V12.4.1
Despite being more than a month late in rolling out to customers, Tesla FSD V12.4.2 is still not up to snuff, as testers revealed. Some consider it a regression even compared to the failed V12.4.1 build, which might send the new build back to the lab for more refining. This annoyed owners, who blamed the development delays on people telling the truth about FSD issues.
Each FSD version is a reason for celebration for Tesla owners, the same as regular software updates. Withdrawal symptoms become obvious when Tesla takes a break to iron out bugs or develop new features. This happened as Tesla took longer than usual for a point release with the FSD V12.4.2. The new build was supposed to fix setbacks and finally allow the V12.4 version to land on customer vehicles. The biggest change in this version was ditching the steering wheel nag.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk initially promised the FSD V12.4 would roll out to customer vehicles by the end of May. However, it wasn't meant to be, and Tesla released a new build, V12.4.1, in early June. This proved not much better, and Tesla was forced to withdraw it after Elon Musk admitted it needed more polish. Everyone was nervously waiting for FSD V12.4.2 to fix everything that was broken and finally be pushed to regular customers.

This FSD build finally arrived on Sunday, in the last hours of June, but, as with the previous builds, it disappointed some of those who got to test it. A video shared on social media by Tesla enthusiast Dirty Tesla (@DirtyTesLa) shows Tesla FSD panicking in the middle of a T-junction, getting stuck in the middle of the road. Chris later posted other videos, including one of an unprotected left turn, which went much better.

However, Omar Qazi (@WholeMarsBlog), one of the most bullish Tesla fans, annoyed the Tesla community the most. Omar was sincere when he said that his first drive with FSD V12.4.2 in the daytime was disappointing. Omar encountered one critical intervention and one missed turn onto the highway, which appeared as a regression from V12.4.1.

Tesla fans eagerly waiting for Tesla to clear this release for a wider audience got angry, thinking that Tesla would also withdraw this build after the negative reviews. This will further delay the chance to have their FSD fix. However, that's not how updates work, it's needless to say. Tesla has its own assessment criteria, although they don't always work. In the past, Tesla released some buggy V11 builds to customers, making the recently dismissed V12.4.1 look rock solid in comparison.

However, not everyone encountered issues with the latest FSD build. Bill Lee (@westcoastbill), another early adopter who got to test the newest version of Tesla's self-driving software, focused on improvements. Bill said that V12.4.2 is no longer "lane-dancing" and handled stop signs and turns much more smoothly. During his first short drives, he did not need to take control or even nudge the accelerator to keep the car moving.
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About the author: Cristian Agatie
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After his childhood dream of becoming a "tractor operator" didn't pan out, Cristian turned to journalism, first in print and later moving to online media. His top interests are electric vehicles and new energy solutions.
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