
Tesla Employees Test FSD Beta V11.3.1, Including the OTA Recall Fix Agreed With NHTSA

Tesla employees test the FSD Beta V11.3.1 6 photos
Photo: @erichester via Twitter
First Tesla FSD Beta V11.3 driving videos reveal new graphicsFirst Tesla FSD Beta V11.3 driving videos reveal new graphicsFirst Tesla FSD Beta V11.3 driving videos reveal new graphicsFirst Tesla FSD Beta V11.3 driving videos reveal new graphicsFirst Tesla FSD Beta V11.3 driving videos reveal new graphics
Tesla paused the FSD Beta releases after a voluntary recall in preparation for an OTA update to address the NHTSA concerns. This has affected the V11.3 rollout after the software showed promising results in a wider employee release. Tesla is already testing a fix for the FSD recall, and it will arrive to its fleet with the V11.3.1 of the software.
Tesla has been working for a long time on its unified-stack FSD Beta software, better known as the FSD Beta V11. However, the self-driving software has proven notoriously difficult to master, despite Elon Musk making his best "in a couple of weeks" promises. Tesla FSD beta-testers have kept their spirits high, an attitude that was rewarded on Valentine's Day, when Tesla released the V11.3 version to a select group of employees.

Soon after, Tesla passed the new software version for testing to a wider group known as wave1, comprising 350-500 employees. That was a good sign, meaning that the new software version was working as intended most of the time. The V11.3 brings many improvements under the hood besides using the same FSD software stack for highway driving. First impressions from people who tested the new software were positive, with V11 noticeably smoother than V10 in certain situations.

As promising as the V11 was, it was already doomed because Tesla initiated a voluntary recall on February 16 to address NHTSA's concerns about the self-driving software. The EV maker promised to offer a software fix for the issues evidenced by the agency and also decided to pause FSD deployment. According to a Q&A page on Tesla's website, no new users were allowed into the program. Some people that never activated the FSD Beta were switched to the production (non-Beta) software channel, losing access to the FSD Beta.

Luckily, it appears that Tesla is already testing the OTA fix it promised in the letter to NHTSA. A screenshot leaked on a Facebook group by a Tesla employee shows that version 11.3.1 of the software includes the "OTA recall" fix. The post was deleted shortly after, but the picture was already multiplied and shared on social media, as evidenced by the attached Twitter post.

The picture reveals that the FSD Beta V11.3 is encapsulated in the 2022.45.10 update, a small bump over the 2022.45.5 released with the V11.3. This FSD Beta version promises improvements to the Autopilot system and other bug fixes and enhancements. There are no release notes for now, but we will have them when the software rolls out to wave1 testers. We're still far from a public rollout, so waiting patiently is advised.

The picture shared on social media also shows new visualizations compared to the V11.3 version. Tesla added chevrons to the path representation, probably to show when the car accelerates and brakes. The previously red stop line crossing the car's path has been repainted white. Overall, the new changes are welcome.

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About the author: Cristian Agatie
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After his childhood dream of becoming a "tractor operator" didn't pan out, Cristian turned to journalism, first in print and later moving to online media. His top interests are electric vehicles and new energy solutions.
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