
Tesla Cybertruck Goes All Mustang, Crashes Into Crowd When Its Driver Tries To Do Donuts

Tesla Cybertruck reverses into crowd 7 photos
Photo: 773davo | Instagram
Tesla Cybertruck reverses into crowdTesla Cybertruck reverses into crowdTesla Cybertruck reverses into crowdTesla Cybertruck reverses into crowdTesla Cybertruck reverses into crowdTesla Cybertruck reverses into crowd
A Tesla Cybertruck driver got things all wrong and, while attempting to do donuts, he reversed into the crowd, mowing down several people who were watching the demonstration. Luckily, everyone walked away unharmed but shaken.
The footage uploaded to Instagram shows a Tesla Cybertruck, wrapped in dark copper, in a demonstration of… whatever that is meant to be. A tag indicates that the event took place somewhere in Chicago, Illinois. Several people are hanging out the windows, filming the entire stint. That was, actually, the first red flag because, while the driver maneuvers the electric pickup truck, they could have easily fallen off.

The driver attempts to perform some donuts, but doesn't exactly know how to do them properly. He keeps reversing in circles until he crashes into some of the people in the audience. That was definitely not the show they were there for.

The one behind the wheel moves a few feet away from the place of the collision, and for a moment, those gathered to watch the show put on by the Cybertruck think that he is going to flee the scene. However, surrounded by the crowd, there is no way he could get away. And he probably never intended to.

Those mowed down by the pickup truck got up fast, which was a sign that nobody was seriously injured in the incident. The film is interrupted at that point, so we can't tell if the driver got off to check on those he had hit or if anyone reported the incident to the police.

However, things could have been way worse, especially considering the size, the weight, and the sharp edges of the Cybertruck's body. It is the shape that would prevent Tesla from selling the model in Europe because of the strict regulations regarding pedestrian safety. This translates to the angular body of the Cybertruck being dangerous to all those walking anywhere near it. The size and weight are also factors that the Cybertruck is inappropriate for the European roads.

Such stunts can lead to a ban from car meets as it happened for the owners of Ford Mustangs, Chevrolet Camaros, and Dodge Challengers and Chargers. None of them is allowed anywhere near the Coffee and Cars events. Back in February, all four of them were banned from the meetings that have been taking place in the Houston, Texas, area since since 2004.

The video proves once again that overestimating one's driving skills is dangerous to everyone involved. Furthermore, trusting a driver who tries to do some reckless demonstration of skill (what skill?) is just as irresponsible.

If this is how this driver performs donuts, we don't want to see him doing power slides. Not in this car or any other for that matter.

We have seen Cybertruck involved in accidents before. However, every time, there was another vehicle involved. A roundabout in Snoqualmie, east of Seattle, Washington, and a signage area in front of the Beverly Hills Hotel in Los Angeles also "attacked" the Tesla pickup truck. No injuries were reported.

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