
Soundwave Is an Award-Winning Superyacht That You Can Charter: Priced Under $700K a Week

Soundwave Superyacht 13 photos
Photo: Northrop & Johnson
Soundwave SuperyachtSoundwave SuperyachtSoundwave SuperyachtSoundwave SuperyachtSoundwave SuperyachtSoundwave SuperyachtSoundwave SuperyachtSoundwave SuperyachtSoundwave SuperyachtSoundwave SuperyachtSoundwave SuperyachtSoundwave Superyacht
Some boats are neat and designed to simply carry you around local rivers and lakes. Then there are superyachts, aimed at only one purpose: giving their guests an experience they won't soon forget. With that in mind, we explore Soundwave, a nearly 207-foot floating castle aimed at the finest pleasures and creature comforts the world has to offer.
Imagine it's Saturday, and you're in up at 3:00 AM to catch the first flight out to some coastal town. There, you'll find a sharp and modern boat - they're called limousines - with one pilot behind the wheel. You and your family are helped aboard, buckled in, and before long, you and your loved ones are riding out of port as the sun hits the horizon.

Before long, you're pulling up behind a massive pearl-white superyacht floating off the coast and deckhands are standing by to welcome Soundwave's guests. Yes, this experience will be assisted by up to 15 crew members who are there to ensure everything runs smoothly and that you come back with stories that will populate Soundwave's decks for seasons to come; go ahead, take the first step.

Once you do, you'll find yourself standing aboard a ship that has received numerous awards and recognitions, including the World Superyacht Award. Considering this vessel is built by none other than Benetti, one of the world's leading teams, it all makes sense.

Soundwave Superyacht
Photo: Northrop & Johnson
Now, ships like these are rarely the work of just one team, and for the Soundwave, the interior was also created with the help of Candy & Candy, the one and the same owned by none other than British property developers Nicholas Anthony Christopher Candy and Christian Peter Candy, whose estimated net worth is said to be around £1.5B ($1.9B at current exchange rates). It's their work mixed with Benneti's that we see expressed in the image gallery.

With both feet on board the Soundwave, it's time to enter the ship. For that, you'll head straight into the beach club and be directed toward your stateroom, lounges, subsequent outdoor deck areas, or, if you're the lucky one, to the owner's deck. That's right; this one has an entire deck dedicated to whoever paid for the trip.

Considering that the latter is one of the most stand-apart features on any superyacht, allow me to point out that you'll be waking up to a room with a 180-degree view of the world around you and stepping upon the finest carpeting my feet have ever graced. Heck, you can tell it's soft from the photos; you don't even need to be there.

Soundwave Superyacht
Photo: Northrop & Johnson
All that morning light will be bouncing off semiprecious metal panels, high-gloss woods, and balanced by leather, velvets, and suede. The ensuite bathrooms follow a similar colors and materials palette and so does the office space or library.

From here, you can either step out onto an outdoor deck and soak up some sun or watch the stars up above, but there's more of this haven to explore. For example, the main lounges are expansive and open, and some even include an on-deck bar and alfresco dining areas.

Honestly, I've seen quite a few superyachts in my day, having written about them over the past four years or so, and all I can say is that this one is on a whole different level. It has fine dining, two jacuzzies, lavish furniture, chandeliers, entertainment, and outdoor decks that seem to go on forever.

Soundwave Superyacht
Photo: Northrop & Johnson
But there's one side of the story we haven't explored yet: the toys Soundwave places at its guests' disposal, and oh, how many there are. I already mentioned that luxury limo, but there's also a 6-meter Novurania launch tender with 260 hp, a rescue boat - hoping you won't need it - a flyboard, two Seadoo, three Seabobs, wake foils, towable and inflatable toys, and even waterslides off the foredeck, just to name a few. Oh, and it's not just toys either; activities are part of the mix as well, including golf, board games, and a climbing wall.

Now, you might be asking yourself why I ever chose to bring to light such a floating dream. Well, the answer is simple: what makes Soundwave so special is that all we've talked about and more is currently up for grabs at no less than €650K ($695,000) per week. Yes, it's a charter, and you and eleven other family and friends can experience it. You just need to get ahold of brokers like Northrop & Johnson and go from there, but be sure to have some extra bucks put to the side for any other costs that arise, and they will.

What about you? Would you pool this much cash together for friends and family for a once-in-a-lifetime trip? Feel free to leave a comment with your answer. Personally, I'd take the dive, but first, I have to find a way to deduct it through a business or something like that; let the taxpayers cover it!
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About the author: Cristian Curmei
Cristian Curmei profile photo

A bit of a nomad at heart (being born in Europe and raised in several places in the USA), Cristian is enamored with travel trailers, campers and bikes. He also tests and writes about urban means of transportation like scooters, mopeds and e-bikes (when he's not busy hosting our video stories and guides).
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