
Sergio Marchionne Is Looking for a Successor, Will Stay in Seat Until 2020 If Need Be

Sergion Marchionne 1 photo
Photo: The truth about cars
Sergio Marchionne wrote history during his time at the helm of the FCA and nobody can take that away from him. Maybe it wasn't the kind of history you'd expect but he did leave a mark. Call him crazy, call him arrogant or anything else in between but the man proved his worth and is now about to leave his beloved company.
Well, don’t panic just yet, he did say that he plans to lay down the weapons somewhere in 2018 but in a recent interview he also claimed that will only happen if certain conditions are met. First of all, he needs to find the perfect guy to take over after he’s gone.

Being 63 at the moment, Marchionne is planning to retire when he turns 65, a more than decent age for a man of his pedigree to finally chill and seek other interests rather than the everyday stress of running FCA.

Speaking to Automotive News, he did admit that if the perfect successor isn’t found by then, though, he won’t leave things at the hand of chance and will keep going until 2020, at most.

The problem is, he is tirelessly looking for a suitable candidate, but things aren’t as easy as they seem. According to Automotive News, the Italian spends no less than six weeks a year looking through resumes and personnel files to try and find the perfect man for the job. No luck so far, though.

"I've got a crew of kids that are growing properly. I think I will still be afraid today to let them alone into the woods because they'll come back with a [expletive] bloody nose and no legs, but there's going to be a point in time in which I'm going to have to let them go ... into the woods alone and see what they can find," said Marchionne about his search.

In the meantime, Sergio seems busy trying to join forces with GM. If he succeeds, his position might be gone altogether and the problem of his succession could vanish. That’s all extremely unlikely to happen though judging by the response (or better yet, the lack of) he received.
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