
Serenissima I Superyacht Is Crafted by the World's Best and Offers a Free Billionaire Gift

Serenissima I 30 photos
Photo: Mengi Yay Yachts
Serenissima ISerenissima ISerenissima ISerenissima ISerenissima ISerenissima ISerenissima ISerenissima ISerenissima ISerenissima ISerenissima ISerenissima ISerenissima ISerenissima ISerenissima ISerenissima ISerenissima ISerenissima ISerenissima ISerenissima ISerenissima ISerenissima ISerenissima ISerenissima ISerenissima ISerenissima ISerenissima ISerenissima ISerenissima I
While most of us will never own a superyacht in this lifetime, it's still a neat coffee break to dive deeper into one and see how the world's richest live it up. With that in mind, let's explore this fresh concept currently on the market for no less than €35.8M.
While most concepts of any kind don't always make it to market, this is surely not the case with the Serenissima I, a superyacht dream from none other than Turkey's Mengi Yay Yachts, a crew whose work we've covered before. Oh, and the fact that they've been in the market since 1964 is a clear testament to their vessel-building abilities.

Well, like most other ships to come out from this yard, the moment they post a concept accompanied by a rather knee-weakening price tag - no less than €35.8M, or roughly $38.8M (at current exchange rates) - you know it's going to become a reality. So, what's some lucky billionaire in for? That's what we're here to find out. Oh, and allow me to point out that this beauty is already underway, being built as we speak, but the final touches are up to the future owners.

Serenissima I
Photo: Mengi Yay Yachts
To kick things off for this floating dream, allow me to point out that steel is the material of choice for the hull. While Mengi is responsible for bringing this machine to life, it's Nuvolari Lenard who is responsible for the looks this beauty showcases to the world.

Does that name sound familiar? Of course, it does! Nuvolari is one of the world's leading yacht designers and is responsible for ships ranging from the biggest of the big to some very pricey boats and tenders. Ahpo is partly their work, the Black Pearl, and so is the Alfa Nero, just to name a few. You can now add Serenissima I to that list. Another team in on the action is Van Oossanen, responsible for the naval architecture.

Now, this superyacht cruises in with a total length of a tad over 154 ft (47 m), so it's a rather large one, just the way it needs to be in order to include the toys and features worthy of a billionaire's lifestyle. This includes an entire deck for the owner, ample outdoor spaces, not one but two jacuzzis, a gentleman's lounge, tenders, and jet skis... shall I get on? We'll get to know more about those goodies shortly.

Serenissima I
Photo: Mengi Yay Yachts
For an idea of how this ship is arranged, let's start our journey on the highest deck and work our way down. Up here, owners and guests will have access to features like one of the jacuzzis, large lounge beds for soaking up sunlight until crispy, and even a gym. Later in the evening, you can enjoy a bite to eat under the stars at the al-fresco table.

As we move down to the next deck, it becomes apparent that this level is a tad different than those above. Since I wasn't able to find a floorplan on Northrop & Johnson's website as to what we find on each deck, I'm going to take a wild guess and say that this part of the ship belongs to the owners.

Why? Mainly because there's an enclosed parlor that is smaller than the main deck's lounge, and at the rear, there's a jacuzzi, a treat that any owner would love to have all to themselves. Neatly enough, there are images of the interior the teams involved envisioned for this ship, and while an eventual owner would most certainly change things around, I wouldn't mess with a dang thing, including the heavy use of wood.

The way the wood floor and walls are illuminated by natural and LED lighting is just amazing. It's the kind of interior that feels luxurious, classy, and aquatic while inviting guests with those soft and earthy tones. Come to think of it, the entire ship offers this minimalist but modern feel.

Serenissima I
Photo: Mengi Yay Yachts
As for that main deck, aside from an interior space that feels like we're in some kind of movie, piano bar included, the aft space on this deck is reserved for a mix of dining, lounging, and a place to put your bespoke tender. Since the side of the ship drops to allow launching your toys, you can also use it as a diving board into the waters below.

May I also add that the tender in place is a Riva, none other than hull No. 131? Have you ever heard of a Riva boat and why they're numbered? That's a story for another day, but all I can say is that they're some of the most luxurious and downright solid status symbols of the millionaire and billionaire world. We can call it a gift from Mengi for dishing out the bucks for the Serenissima I.

Oh, and since this baby is already underway, having cleared all stages of design and approval, we even know what engines will be in place, two CAT C32s with 1,450 hp a piece, and that it can reach a speed of 17 knots (19.5 mph). All you need to get your hands on it is nearly $39M, but I'm sure you can get a discount; just kidding, that's not going to happen.
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About the author: Cristian Curmei
Cristian Curmei profile photo

A bit of a nomad at heart (being born in Europe and raised in several places in the USA), Cristian is enamored with travel trailers, campers and bikes. He also tests and writes about urban means of transportation like scooters, mopeds and e-bikes (when he's not busy hosting our video stories and guides).
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