
Royal Oak Names Street "Fiat Drive"

The alliance – let's call it that for the sake of argument – between American manufacturer Chrysler and Italian carmaker Fiat has sometimes unforeseen consequences. Not sure whether the city of Detroit is so pleased with the alliance to name a street after Fiat, as the guys over at say, but the fact remains that, beginning this week, Detroit residents have a new street to add to their GPS: Fiat Drive, Royal Oak, Detroit.

OK, let's set the record straight. We are, in general, pretty sure the Americans are somewhat grateful Fiat stepped in and saved the day and their jobs. But naming the street after Fiat is nothing more than a publicity stunt. Why? you might ask.

As the merger between the two manufacturers grows in intensity, obviously Royal Oak will witness what it hopes will be a flood of Italian Fiat employees, bringing both themselves and their know-how to help Chrysler get back on track. And by doing so, boost the local economy.

"Where better to shop, eat and live than Royal Oak?" Luigi Cutraro, restaurant owner and member the city's Downtown Development Authority was quoted as saying by

So, an Italian Royal Oak Downtown Development Authority member got approval and named a part of Fourth Street "Fiat Drive". By doing so, he and the city hope to draw the yet unknown number of Fiat employees relocating to the US to Royal Oak, instead of letting them move to Auburn Hills, also a Detroit suburb and the world headquarters of Chrysler...
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About the author: Daniel Patrascu
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Daniel loves writing (or so he claims), and he uses this skill to offer readers a "behind the scenes" look at the automotive industry. He also enjoys talking about space exploration and robots, because in his view the only way forward for humanity is away from this planet, in metal bodies.
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