
Romanian Lasers Tornado Fighter Jet...

A very peculiar incident took place near Cupar, Fife, at the local Cairnie Fruit Farm in the UK earlier this week. Here, for the first time in the history of aviation, an unarmed individual nearly brought down a Tornado fighter aircraft, piloted by an RAF top gun.

The guy in question is Romanian Radu Moldovan, a 26-year old who went to the UK to make a living as a fruit picker. One day, bored of his job perhaps, he began playing around with a pocket laser, those annoying toys normally used to taunt Cristiano Ronaldo before an important game.

Now here's where the real strange part comes in. At the same time, some 1,200 ft. (365 meters) above the place where the Romanian picked fruits and occasionally played with a laser, an RAF pilot was doing his usual training routine aboard a Tornado fighter.

The pilot says he was distracted by the greenish light from the ground while performing some really dangerous maneuvers. He asked his navigator to pinpoint the source and, what do you know, that source was Moldovan.

Although the Romanian admitted to have been tracking the plane with the laser on purpose, we can't but be amazed at how accurate his target is. We are amazed that he managed to zero-in on the so-called British top gun with his ray several times, while the pilot was turning his plane upside down and sideways.

Coincidentally or not, yesterday, August 20, the world celebrated 70 years since Winston Churchill spoke his famous words about the Battle of Britain.

“Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.”

Now, 70 years later, the descendants of those brave pilots have become somewhat soft. While their ancestors faced buzzing bullets by the thousands and Me-109s by the dozens and didn't complain, a laser seems all it takes to annoy a modern day pilot.

For the record, Moldovan's passport was seized and he is currently waiting sentencing for an "extremely serious" stunt.
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About the author: Daniel Patrascu
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Daniel loves writing (or so he claims), and he uses this skill to offer readers a "behind the scenes" look at the automotive industry. He also enjoys talking about space exploration and robots, because in his view the only way forward for humanity is away from this planet, in metal bodies.
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