
Really! Electric Vehicles Are a Threat to Freedom and Human Development

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Everyone out there in the world who has considered purchasing an electric vehicle has experienced some degree of what the industry refers to as 'charge anxiety' and 'range anxiety.' Prospective owners of electric vehicles are concerned enough about the availability of charging options on the roadways that they have shied away from making the leap to EV driving. Others who have purchased an EV live with the reality that the conditions do exist, and it certainly shapes their commuter and leisure travel plans.
However, there may be something more sinister going on that is more a probability than a possibility, and the consequences could be significant. It is no secret that governments around the world are pushing their respective citizens to buy electric cars in the name of climate change, but I believe at some point in the very near future, if it is not in play already, municipal, state, and federal governments will use EVs as a tool to keep their citizens in line through EV's Over-The-Air software (OTA).

After all, governments seek the power that comes from public conformity. Take for example, the 'what-just-went-on' in the world. Governments were cramming an untested vaccine down our throats and would quite literally stop at nothing to get all of their citizens to buy in. Now, I am not an anti-vaxxer, nor am I a proponent of the vaccine; I am smack dab in the middle.

In fact, the military-crazed U.S. Government was so adamant about everybody getting the jab that they were booting people out of the military who did not comply. Whether soldiers were senior officers or new recruits, it didn't matter. No vaccine? You got discharged without benefits. In addition, as the largest employer in the U.S., the government applied the same mandate to federal employees as well; all 2.3 million strong of them. This is a government that just passed a $1.7 trillion budget that allocates $858 billion of that sum to the military.

Can you envision a day when the powers that be use electric cars as tools to get the public to conform? It is not out of the realm of probability that governments could one day disable electric cars if, for example, one failed to pay a traffic ticket or, worse yet, did not get vaccinated. It will all undoubtedly start in the good ol' U.S. of A.

Courts could be granted the authority to have an EV's ability to be charged disabled either through the automaker or a third-party entity. Contested divorce proceedings over property settlements could result in the same action. Heaven forbid if one were to lose his or her job and not be able to make payments on their EV. Guess what? It will not be hard to find in a parking lot or garage in this connected world.

Any dispute involving taxes and parking violations to catching trout without a license could get your EV sidelined until the dispute is settled. It is a scary thought, but somewhere up in the heavens, George Orwell is looking down on us all with a middle finger in the air, saying, “I told you so."

So, how did I arrive at this belief? First of all, I should admit that I am not concerned about a hacker stealing my or anyone else's identity. I am terrified of a government's will and ability to steal people's freedoms utilizing the same nefarious methods hackers do; only the governments will legalize their own actions.

This connected world we all seem to enjoy is in no way impenetrable, and headlines around the globe have illustrated the extent of our vulnerabilities.

Case in point, earlier this month, we reported on a story involving Sirius XM, where an ethical hacker was able to execute commands to the cars of several major manufacturers using the content streaming company's Connected Vehicles Services platform. The hacker was able to locate, unlock, and start vehicles by simply using their VINs. It should be noted that, in this case, it was an ethical hacker, and no harm was done. This time.

Another example of government overreach came from the Swiss Government recently as it announced a proposed emergency plan for the expected upcoming winter power shortages that includes banning the use of electric cars for non-essential journeys. This is from a country that announced in June that after 2035 all new cars will not be permitted to emit greenhouse gases.

The plan is made up of two levels-emergency and crisis, with three degrees of restrictions in the first and four in the second. Restrictions will be based on the amount of energy available. The electric car ban is included in the emergency phase, but the plan is only in the draft stage of possible implementation.

The real question that arises is who in the government will determine what is essential versus non-essential travel and how they will enforce the ban if it is implemented. Do they have the capability to shut off the ability of someone to charge their EV? You can bet they do!

What do I mean by the effect on human development? I am certain you guys and gals, for that matter, out there that were born before the 80s have memories of changing the oil on the family car with your father. Or maybe you helped him tune up the lawn mower and put a new line on the weed eater. Whatever it was, you learned at an early age how to work with your hands. Sadly, the advent of EVs that are in no way 'do-it-yourself-friendly' represents an opportunity lost for youth to do just that.

Those that work with their hands tend to be happier, more active, and experience satisfaction through lifelong learning. In addition, dexterous people are often more creative and better in terms of their analytical abilities than others, according to Sanford Health.

I know people, many in fact, smart as a whip, articulate, and well-spoken, who struggle with changing the windshield wipers on a car? Don't you?
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