
Rare Lamborghini Aventador SVJ 63 Catches Fire While Driving, Burns Down Completely

Lamborghini Aventador SVJ 63 11 photos
Photo: Instagram | allanlambo
Lamborghini Aventador SVJ 63Lamborghini Aventador SVJ 63Lamborghini Aventador SVJ 63Lamborghini Aventador SVJ 63Lamborghini Aventador SVJ 63Lamborghini Aventador SVJ 63Lamborghini Aventador SVJ 63Lamborghini Aventador SVJ 63Lamborghini Aventador SVJ 63Lamborghini Aventador SVJ 63
If you own a Lamborghini Aventador SVJ 63, there's a lot to be happy about, as your car's value has just increased. The reason is a copy that burned to the ground recently. Fans of this model should look away, though, as it is one painful clip to watch.
A short video that allanlambo uploaded on social media a couple of weeks ago shows the Italian supercar driving down the highway with visible flames behind the rear bumper. Smoke was starting to come out at this point, so the driver next to it honked, trying to get the attention of the person holding the exotic's wheel.

Nevertheless, it was already too late, as the clip then cuts to the supercar's back end being completely engulfed in flames. Fortunately, we can see the driver's door open, meaning they got away from the hot stuff just in time. The fire turned this rare Lamborghini Aventador SVJ 63 into a pile of junk, which was eventually picked up by a tow truck.

By the looks of it, the Italian supercar is beyond saving, so hopefully, the insurance will reimburse the owner. After all, it is one hefty loss, given the rarity of this model. We have yet to answer the where question because we do not really know where this incident was recorded. In all likelihood, it happened somewhere in China, where these rides are much more expensive than in the West due to the luxury tax.

Lamborghini Aventador SVJ 63
Photo: Instagram | allanlambo
In an ideal world, we would find out what led to the Lamborghini Aventador SVJ 63's engine bay catching fire. However, Lamborghini will probably not say anything public about it after the usual inspection. It is also worth noting that certain exotics have the ability to spontaneously combust, so make sure your insurance covers this aspect, too, if you plan on sprucing up your life with a real mid-engined supercar, especially one that is worth much more than a very nice home in most parts of the Western world.

The regular Lamborghini Aventador SVJ costs more than half a million dollars in today's used car market, and the SVJ 63 is more valuable. Only 63 copies saw the light of day, hence the suffix, which is an homage to the Italian brand's founding year of 1963.

If you needed a reminder about its firepower, the Lamborghini Aventador SVJ 63 boasts 759 hp (770 ps/566 kW), identical to the Centenario, and 531 pound-foot (720 Nm) of torque. It features an updated all-wheel-drive system, some extra carbon fiber, and other work that went into it. The 6.5L naturally aspirated V12 motor rockets it to sixty-two mph (100 kph) in just 2.8 seconds. Top speed is 217+ mph (350+ kph).

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About the author: Cristian Gnaticov
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After a series of unfortunate events put an end to Cristian's dream of entering a custom built & tuned old-school Dacia into a rally competition, he moved on to drive press cars and write for a living. He's worked for several automotive online journals and now he's back at autoevolution after his first tour in the mid-2000s.
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