
Race Car Driver James Hunt Explains the JCW Exhaust for MINI

MINI Cooper JCW Exhaust 1 photo
Photo: Screenshot from Youtube
When it comes to tuning cars, two things are easy to do and make a great difference: changing the wheels and the exhaust sound. If the first one is easy to understand, when it comes to exhaust systems, things are not so straightforward.
Technical details frighten us and most people are afraid that the system they buy won't fit to the car or even worse, will fit but sounds awful. Fortunately for MINI drivers, the British company has the perfect solution.

The John Cooper Works model of a MINI is the most powerful in that car's range, using basically the same 1.6-liter engine with some variations. That means that parts from the JCW cars will fit on other MINIs too.

For the true enthusiast, such parts are very useful, mostly because they fit on all MINIs that use the 4-cylinder 1.6-liter engine. For example, you can get a Cooper S Countryman and then change the exhaust with a JCW one for a completely new sound and feel.

Apart from the technical improvements (lighter construction, better airflow and even power increase) custom exhaust systems are used mainly for the sound they bring, a sound that makes us fall in love with our cars over and over again. Watch race car driver, James Hunt explain the advantages of a JCW Exhaust in the video below.

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