
Nondescript LEGO Brick Vehicles Now Go Hill Climbing in Your Android or iOS Smartphone

LEGO Hill Climb Adventures 10 photos
Photo: Fingersoft
LEGO Hill Climb AdventuresLEGO Hill Climb AdventuresLEGO Hill Climb AdventuresLEGO Hill Climb AdventuresLEGO Hill Climb AdventuresLEGO Hill Climb AdventuresLEGO Hill Climb AdventuresLEGO Hill Climb AdventuresLEGO Hill Climb Adventures
In the real world, the term hill climb applies to a competition for vehicles that sees all sorts of motorized contraptions race each other to the top of some hill, with the fastest one to get there declared the winner. Over the years, hill climbs have taken a turn for the prestigious, as they are now seen as endeavors for the most worthy products of the car and motorcycle realms.
Building on the prestige of such races, a series of game developers have taken to devising their own hill climb games for smartphones and other kinds of handheld or desk gadgets. And one of these developers is called Fingersoft.

Fingersoft is the maker of three hill climb games so far. All are described as "the most entertaining physics-based driving games ever made," and have been around ever since 2012. People seem to think they're exciting too, as over 2 billion downloads of the Hill Climb Racing, Hill Climb Racing+, and Hill Climb Racing 2 have been performed in a little over a decade.

A fourth title joined the Fingersoft portfolio last week, and because this one is also linked to Danish toymaker LEGO, it's likely it too will come with millions (if not more) of downloads in tow.

The new game, which is called LEGO Hill Climb Adventures follows the same design as the others, only this time, the vehicles used to race, the décor, and everything else you come across on the race route, including characters, are made of plastic LEGO bricks.

The game is single-player, so don't expect to hone your skills against human adversaries (AI ones are aplenty). It is a sort of exploration game, though, as with each hill you manage to climb (and descend) new locations can be unlocked and explored.

The game's overall 3D world is called Climb Canyon, and it can be traveled in a variety of LEGO brick vehicles of no distinguishable make or model. In the game, they are called Ember, Creature, Copter (because this one flies), and Old School, which is described as a vehicle for tight spots.

Fingersoft and LEGO say they have been working on this game for quite some time, and the testing phase alone took about a year to complete. But that's all done now, and everyone who wants to have a taste of what came out of all this, can now do so.

The LEGO Hill Climb Adventures game is already up and running on the Google Play and Apple App Store platforms, and can be downloaded free of charge (there are, however, in-app purchases). On Google Play alone there have already been some half a million downloads so far, in just three days or so.

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About the author: Daniel Patrascu
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Daniel loves writing (or so he claims), and he uses this skill to offer readers a "behind the scenes" look at the automotive industry. He also enjoys talking about space exploration and robots, because in his view the only way forward for humanity is away from this planet, in metal bodies.
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