
Next-Gen Tesla Model S Steps Into Fantasy Land With Futuristic Design

Next-Gen Tesla Model S - Rendering 6 photos
Photo: Instagram | vburlapp
Next-Gen Tesla Model S - RenderingTesla Model STesla Model STesla Model STesla Model S
Tesla may have redefined the electric vehicle game, proving that such rides can be perfect daily drivers in most cases. However, some of its cars are old, and the most aging is the Model S.
The Tesla Model S was initially announced in 2008, and the automaker unveiled a prototype the following year. Production commenced in 2012, and it's been eight years since it last received a major mid-cycle refresh. Thus, it is an aging product in today's car game. But is it in dire need of a new facelift or perhaps a new generation?

Well, it depends on whom you ask. First and most importantly, Tesla is famously known for pushing back the production start of its new rides. Second, the constant upgrades it has received over the years have certainly made it more appealing in the eyes of consumers, so perhaps another mid-cycle refresh could be the most logical step, as it would probably make it more popular.

For what it's worth, we think the Tesla Model S is old and overrated, regardless of whether it's the base specification or the hot Plaid. There have been significant advancements in EV development since the company originally designed and developed this model, and it could certainly make do with some hardware adjustments and the implementation of new technologies.

Next\-Gen Tesla Model S \- Rendering
Photo: Instagram | vburlapp
We're not the only ones who think the Tesla Model S needs a significant makeover, as there have been several unofficial renderings of a potential successor to this popular EV these past few months. The latest is only a few days old and came via vburlapp on social media. Most of this pixel manipulator's projects tend to look about the same, and this latest CGI is no exception.

Chances are we would have ignored it if it was portraying something else, and it might have done so, as the only thing that ties it to the real Tesla Model S is the name. Everything else looks different, from the wedge-shaped profile to the round front wheel arches and full-width light bar at the rear. It also has cameras instead of side mirrors, and a real car sporting a similar design would struggle to offer decent headroom for backseat occupants and plenty of space in the trunk for an executive ride.

Thus, this story is another reason to discuss a potential future Model S. But is Tesla really planning one? Not to our knowledge, as there’s nothing about it, not even a rumor. Nevertheless, Elon Musk has likely considered a brand-new Model S multiple times. Yet, his company will probably try milking the current one for as long as possible despite facing more competition in the electric executive class than ever. Do you think the Tesla Model S is in dire need of a major change?

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Editor's note: Tesla Model S official images shared in the gallery next to the rendering.

About the author: Cristian Gnaticov
Cristian Gnaticov profile photo

After a series of unfortunate events put an end to Cristian's dream of entering a custom built & tuned old-school Dacia into a rally competition, he moved on to drive press cars and write for a living. He's worked for several automotive online journals and now he's back at autoevolution after his first tour in the mid-2000s.
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