
New Pagani Huayra Paris Crash Pics Show It Hit a Parked Car, Cracked Windshield

Pagani Huayra Pearl Paris crash 7 photos
Photo: Steven Cairns
Pagani Huayra Pearl Paris crash: detached rear fasciaPagani Huayra Pearl Paris crash: missing rear wheelsPagani Huayra Pearl Paris crash: cracked windshieldPagani Huayra Pearl Paris crash: separated left rear wheelPagani Huayra Pearl Paris crash: hit parked carPagani Huayra Pearl Paris crash site approximation
Now that Koenigsegg has explained the One:1 Nurburgring crash, we're bringing you a set of photos that shed a bit of light on the other BIG accident of the week, the one that saw the one-off Pagani Huayra Pearl losing a wheel in Paris.
"The driver [of the Huayra] lost control and sideswiped a parked car"

The images, which come from our reader Steve Cairns and were reportedly snapped by his son, do away with the rumor that talked about the Huayra being hit by another car almost in front of the Congo Republic Embassy, where two lanes merge.

The Huayra Pearl, which is on Saudi Arabian plates, reportedly saw its driver losing control and sideswiping a parked car. The images, both old and new, seem to confirm this.

First of all, the picture of the other car that was apparently involved in the accident, a Black Peugeot 308, was indeed taken on Cours Albert 1er. But, as our Google Street View crash site approximation (check out the image gallery) indicates, this sits some 300 feet (100 meters) before the Embassy - we're talking about a pretty narrow one-way street, with cars being parked on both sides of the road.

The cracked windshield

Limited by Instagram resolution and on-site angles, the original pics didn't allow us to get a good look at the Huayra's front section. This has changed now and we can see the windshield is cracked.

Factor in the still-fastened seat belt and we end up with two hypotheses. While it's clear that somebody was riding shotgun at the moment of the accident, the windscreen seems to have been cracked by either his/her head or the passenger airbag. Judging by the position of the seatbelt, the person on the right of the driver could have turned to the wear-it-behind-your-back "trick", which would explain the smashed windshield, but this is a far stretch and we'd need more clues to talk about the matter.

What now?

Oh well, at least the detached left rear wheel, which took some suspension bits along when quitting its job, looks fancy enough for the role of Paris street furniture. On a more serious note, we'll reinforce the fact that we're looking forward to the dedicated velocity experts over in San Cesario sul Panaro putting the Huayra Pearl back together.
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About the author: Andrei Tutu
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In his quest to bring you the most impressive automotive creations, Andrei relies on learning as a superpower. There's quite a bit of room in the garage that is this aficionado's heart, so factory-condition classics and widebody contraptions with turbos poking through the hood can peacefully coexist.
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