
Ford Mustang Attacked by Tree That Came out of Nowhere, That F-150 Might Also Be Guilty

Ford Mustang crashes into tree and into Ford F-150 9 photos
Photo: 310_1320 | Instagram
Ford Mustang crashes into tree and into Ford F-150Ford Mustang crashes into tree and into Ford F-150Ford Mustang crashes into tree and into Ford F-150Ford Mustang crashes into tree and into Ford F-150Ford Mustang crashes into tree and into Ford F-150Ford Mustang crashes into tree and into Ford F-150Ford Mustang crashes into tree and into Ford F-150Ford Mustang crashes into tree and into Ford F-150
We have tried to kill the stereotypes. But they just keep coming back like boomerangs. Take this Ford Mustang, for example. Long story short, the driver lost the rear end, crashed, slid off the road, crashed into a tree, and then into another Ford.
It was obviously not a good day for Fords. One crashed into another, as the driver of the latter had no blame whatsoever other than parking their vehicle properly. But that is the issue with these Mustang drivers who believe they are as skilled as race car drivers, to say the least. It is not just that they put their lives and cars at risk, but the lives and cars of others as well.

It is why the organizers of the Coffee and Cars events, which have been taking place since the early 2000s, decided to permanently ban Ford Mustangs, Chevrolet Camaros, and Dodge Challengers and Chargers. These cars are the most prone to crashing, their statics showed.

The scenario is always the same. People gather in the streets to see supercars and muscle cars leaving the venue of the event and start cheering when they see them. The drivers feel like they have to put on a show for them and try to show off.

But sometimes, everything goes south within a fraction of a second. The tail of the Mustang starts dancing on the pavement, the driver loses control and crashes into some curb, some pole, some tree, or, much worse, into people.

It was pretty much the same this time, but luckily, there were no crowds involved. Furthermore, the driver and his passenger walked away unharmed. That tree must have saved their lives.

The video shot from the top of a parking lot shows the Mustang rolling on a straight road, on dry pavement, with perfect visibility. What could have gone wrong? Well, something did, and the car started slipping to the left, went off the road and downhill, taking down a tree and stopping into a Ford F-150 pickup truck parked downstairs.

Photos from the scene show the Ford Mustang without the hood, revealing the 5.0-liter V8 in all its glory. However, we're not sure that car was able to drive out of its predicament, as the images show plenty of damage in the engine compartment.

The front end is quite a mess, while the passenger's side must be seriously deformed. That is where the car took one for the team from that tree that came out of nowhere to hit the Mustang.

The rear end of the Ford F-150 doesn't seem that bad, as the Mustang nearly went under the pickup truck. Hopefully, it was not pushed into some other vehicle parked nearby. But this Mustang right here spells "double trouble" for sure.

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