
Lucky Rider Still Upright after Clipping a SMIDSY Driver

SMIDSY action 1 photo
Photo: Zone Television
Spring brings back the joy of riding your bike, alone or with some of your buddies, but it’s best not to forget that dangers lurk around every corner. Fail to do so and you might get yourself into trouble, even though you’re not the one to blame. When riders encounter inattentive drivers, it’s almost always the two-wheelers coming off worse, so it’s worth watching out.
Assuming your bike is well-prepared for the season and you’ve re-activated your riding skills, it’s still a long way to go until someone could say that streets are safe. In fact, streets are never safe, and watching the video after the jump should provide you with just the proof.

The sun is still low during the spring and this might cause some drivers to fail spotting incoming vehicles, the likes of motorcycles or even small cars. Couple this with the generic lack of awareness and care of certain drivers, and it’s once more SMIDSY time.

Luckily, this fellow was not riding at a high speed and the lady driver managed to brake, so the bike bounced off slightly, with the rider being able to remain upright. Some extra speed could have had the guy ricocheting off the road, with good prospects for serious injuries. And indeed, the lady did not see this lucky fellow… because it appears she never looked to the right.

For more ways to keep you out of trouble, please check this autoevolution coverstory.

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