
Kim Kardashian's New Car Shakes Its Wider Hips, It's an Internet Sensation

Kim Kardashian's New Car - Custom Range Rover 17 photos
Photo: Urban Automotive
Kim Kardashian's New Car - Custom Range RoverKim Kardashian's New Car - Custom Range RoverKim Kardashian's New Car - Custom Range RoverKim Kardashian's New Car - Custom Range RoverKim Kardashian's New Car - Custom Range RoverKim Kardashian's New Car - Custom Range RoverKim Kardashian's New Car - Custom Range RoverKim Kardashian's New Car - Custom Range RoverKim Kardashian's New Car - Custom Range RoverKim Kardashian's New Car - Custom Range RoverKim Kardashian's New Car - Custom Range RoverKim Kardashian's New Car - Custom Range RoverKim Kardashian's New Car - Custom Range RoverKim Kardashian's New Car - Custom Range RoverKim Kardashian's New Car - Custom Range RoverKim Kardashian's New Car - Custom Range Rover
What cars would you own if money suddenly became the least of your concerns? Probably a whole bunch of them, and since the Range Rover is a must in any collection, it will likely join some rare and exclusive models. Just like it recently did in Kim Kardashian's garage.
Mind you, this is the famous TV star and entrepreneur we're talking about, so her Range Rover couldn't be average. And it's not. In fact, it underwent some modifications, and when we first heard about it, we thought it might be kitschy. Oh, how wrong we were, as it is an ultra-clean example with a few aftermarket touches that we absolutely love.

For the work, Kim Kardashian commissioned Platinum Motorsport and Urban Automotive. The new carbon fiber body kit, which includes a few very discreet attachments all around, including the fender flares that have made it a bit wider than its stock self, was designed and manufacturer in the United Kingdom. It then crossed the Atlantic Ocean to be assembled on this custom Range Rover in California.

It is said that over 300 hours were invested in completing this vehicle, said to be worth $306,000. The modifications include a full satin silver finish that ate nearly $20,000, which was the work of Platinum Motorsport and was carried out at its headquarters in Los Angeles. New wheels were also a must-have, so this build rides on a set of Forgiatos. They measure 24 inches in diameter, have a flat-faced monoblock (disc-like), and contribute to the clean looks of this premium high-rider.

Kim Kardashian's New Car \- Custom Range Rover
Photo: Urban Automotive
We must also mention that Kim Kardashian's latest car sits a bit closer to the ground, so the suspension was also revised during the tuning process. The vehicle has a few black accents, no chrome trim for a cleaner design, privacy windows all around to keep its owner away from camera lenses, and a custom logo on the reworked grille that says KK.

Kim Kardashian already posed next to her new ride and uploaded the images on social media a few days ago, where they were seen by millions of people and gathered nearly two million likes at the time of writing. However, we can now see this custom Range Rover better courtesy of Urban Automotive, which released a few professional photos of it, accompanied by a press release that briefly mentions some of Kim's other rides, like the Lamborghini Urus, Mercedes-Maybach GLS, and Rolls-Royce Ghost.

We wouldn't praise a ride just because its owner is famous, as money doesn't buy taste. However, it did in this instance, and as mentioned above, this is one of the coolest takes on the Range Rover we have ever seen. Congrats, Kim, for this gorgeous ride!

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About the author: Cristian Gnaticov
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After a series of unfortunate events put an end to Cristian's dream of entering a custom built & tuned old-school Dacia into a rally competition, he moved on to drive press cars and write for a living. He's worked for several automotive online journals and now he's back at autoevolution after his first tour in the mid-2000s.
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