
Just Stop Oil Is a Bully Picking on the Wrong Kids

Just Stop Oil and its war on art 1 photo
Photo: Just Stop Oil/The Independent/Joe/Youtube/autoevolution
I am not a fan of art. By art, I mean paintings, sculptures, glasses on the floor, and other such creations people pay money to own or stare at for hours. Movies and music, they’re a different story. Because I understand them.
I also understand that some people are the opposite of me and for them, a bunch of colors splashed onto a canvas in unrecognizable shapes speaks volumes. I respect that, and that’s why I don’t go around gluing myself to replica dinosaurs or the Girl With a Pearl Earring, or throwing yellow goo at a Monet, or tomato soup at a van Gogh.

But there’s a group there that does exactly that, for reasons I’m not entirely clear on. They call themselves Just Stop Oil and their main and official demand is that “the UK government makes a statement that it will immediately halt all future licensing and consents for the exploration, development and production of fossil fuels in the UK.” More to the point, the organization (we’ll call it that for the lack of a better word) is trying to stop the country’s leadership from greenlighting “40 new North Sea oil and gas fields.”

Pretty straightforward, and I can relate to that on some level. I mean, I like breathing clean air, drinking clear water, and living, in general. So yeah, I’m all for that, not only in the UK, but also elsewhere and everywhere.

I’m not sure though, how ruining art and the joy in some of us can help do that. Sure, such actions attract attention and put Just Stop Oil into the news (even here on autoevolution), but it’s not like most of the people reading about their exploits go all “awww” at the news of another work of art being attacked.

Think of it this way. It’s like someone advocating for the immediate and complete shift to electric cars by, I don’t know, shredding comic books or smashing smartphones on the pavement. Or trying to get people to use bikes by throwing donuts at football players. Or some other such meaningless course of action meant to raise awareness on a totally unrelated topic - it’ll get attention, but only for all the wrong reasons.

Neither comics nor phone have anything to do with cars, the same way none of the art tainted by these guys (to be fair, none was truly damaged) has to do with oil and its use, or the British government.

In the grander scheme of things, Just Stop Oil goes as far as asking for “insulating Britain.” Not sure what they mean by that, but images from 28 Days Later, Reign of Fire, or Children of Men immediately popped into my head (movie fan here, remember?).

The group is officially funded from the Climate Energy Fund, but also through private donations. Just Stop Oil says it’s using the money for tea and sandwiches (food, in general, some of which is used to spoil art), but also for accommodation and travel costs. Why do these guys need to travel? Because they’re now in what they call a Civil Resistance phase against “a Government that is harming us, our freedoms, rights and future.” So they attack completely unrelated things in return.

Not sure what shape this resistance will take in the future (in October, for instance, Just Stop Oil organized Occupy Westminster, a series of marches, strikes and occupations that ended in various degrees of success but overall failed to capture the attention of the world) but it’ll probably expand past the doors of art galleries and affect equally unrelated businesses, items, and people.

Because, in a bid to get attention for the things it feels are right, Just Stop Oil is like a bully picking on all the wrong kids.
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About the author: Daniel Patrascu
Daniel Patrascu profile photo

Daniel loves writing (or so he claims), and he uses this skill to offer readers a "behind the scenes" look at the automotive industry. He also enjoys talking about space exploration and robots, because in his view the only way forward for humanity is away from this planet, in metal bodies.
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