
Google Maps Alternative Gets New Speed View Update, Other Navigation Goodies

New features coming to Magic Earth in the latest update 7 photos
Photo: Bogdan Popa/autoevolution/Magic Earth
Magic Earth on AndroidMagic Earth on AndroidMagic Earth on AndroidMagic Earth on AndroidMagic Earth on AndroidMagic Earth on Android
The developing team working on Magic Earth has truly become fully committed to improving the navigation app, as the last couple of months brought a flood of updates, many with great new features.
A new update went live this week, bringing the app to version 7.9.2. It includes several notable changes, including a new design for speed view with a battery indicator.

Speed information has become integral for the driving experience, especially because the actual driving speed is different than the one you see on the instrument cluster. Navigation apps typically display more accurate speed information than the vehicle's speedometer because they use a satellite connection to calculate the data.

Magic Earth knows this, so the new version comes with a new design for the speed view, which also includes a battery indicator to let users get more information with a quick peek at the screen. Furthermore, the speed view has also been enabled in the non-navigation mode, which means you can drive with the app on the screen and no address enabled, and you'll still see how fast you're going.

The update adds elevation and steepness data for bike routes. The previous version paved the way for these improvements, including an elevation chart in the navigation panel when the bike mode was enabled. Magic Earth focuses a lot on cycling, and with this update, users can tell in advance if the suggested route will be difficult based on elevation information.

Magic Earth has evolved a lot lately, and while it's still considered an underdog in the navigation space, it's slowly but surely becoming a top product.

The thing most people know about Magic Earth is the CarPlay integration. It was the first application to offer CarPlay Dashboard support, running side-by-side with audio apps and phone calls.

However, Google Maps is also making massive progress in terms of innovative functionality. The application has recently been updated with support for Immersive View for routes, allowing users to preview their routes in a multi-dimensional view that comprises satellite imagery, Street View data, traffic conditions, and the expected weather forecast.

Google also expanded the availability of eco-friendly routes, bringing them to India and adding two-wheeler support. With eco-friendly routes, Google Maps searches for routes, allowing for a significant cut in fuel consumption and vehicle emissions. Google says in two years, the feature has already generated an emission cut equivalent to taking 500,000 vehicles off the road.

Magic Earth continues to focus on privacy, something that Google can't brag about with Google Maps. The parent company claims the application doesn't track or profile users, and no matter how you use the navigation, your data is not sold to third-party companies, especially because it doesn't store any details in the first place.
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About the author: Bogdan Popa
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Bogdan keeps an eye on how technology is taking over the car world. His long-term goals are buying an 18-wheeler because he needs more space for his kid’s toys, and convincing Google and Apple that Android Auto and CarPlay deserve at least as much attention as their phones.
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