
Go Green - Save the Planet

I personally love driving and I would under no circumstances give up this hobby. It’s not that I’m lazy and dislike public transportation rather it’s about the feeling I’m having when traveling long journeys (sometimes without a specific destination) with my sweetheart near and good music caressing my ears. That’s something I will never be able to live without… Yet, I also like the green trees, the blooming flowers as well as the never-ending meadows where you get easily lost in the very heart of nature. Certainly I am all aware of the fact that green landscapes might be soon history due to our stubbornness to continuously pollute the environment. Cars have their slice in the green holocaust and even if automakers struggle to come up with more environmentally friendly cars, there is still a long way until eco-vehicles become the rule and not the exception on the Blue Planet. The common excuse for doing nothing against environmental pollution is that we’re all waiting for the government to do something. We somehow regard the lawmakers as powerful gods that can heal all the evil we cause and, if something goes wrong, it’s just their fault. But in fact, any change starts with every individual. I totally agree that not everybody affords to buy a new Toyota Prius or any other automobile of the kind, but those who want to cut greenhouse gas emissions in the future can successfully do it in other ways. Style of driving
Nobody is asking to make radical changes in your own style of driving, but there are a few things you can do if you want to help the environment. Firstly, you must observe speed limits. Not only do you avoid getting an unpleasant speeding ticket but you also cut gas emissions. Is it that difficult to do it? Of course, you’re always in a hurry, you didn’t even drink your cup of coffee in the morning because you woke up incredibly late and the boss is going to give you another warning. But wouldn’t it have been smarter to go to bed earlier in the evening? Yes, I’m talking about time management here…

Secondly, avoid sudden starts and stops. It’s not only harmful for the environment but it’s also terrible annoying. You’re waiting by the traffic-lights, carefully fixing your make-up in the vanity mirror when the cell suddenly starts ringing. Just when you want to answer, the traffic-lights turned green and you want to cross the junction. But you’re not quite multi-tasking as you have probably thought and you fail to take off. The engine stops (as expected) and you have to turn it again. Next junction, same situation. It’s high time you did something about this kind of sudden starts and stops.

Take care of your car

As incredible as it may seem, for women, cars are just like babies. You have to take care of them, feed them, change the diapers (aka tires), give them all your love if you want them not to let you down when least expected. If you haven’t already read through the lines, all these mean that you should be certain your vehicle is well-maintained and that it gets proper tune-ups and service when needed. A poorly tuned engine can increase fuel consumption by up to 50 percent. Moreover, you must make sure vehicle tires are properly inflated and maintained. Another important tip would be to use the right grade oil for your vehicle and change it regularly. Clean oil reduces wear on moving parts.

Also, don’t let your vehicle idle any more than necessary. Why did it buy it if you’re not taking it out of your garage? If you don’t really need a car, then there are other ways of transportation. Last but not surely not least, when was the last time when you changed your fuel filter? In case you don’t even remember the date, you might consider the idea that the fuel filter should be changed regularly. Of course, I’m not saying you have to do all by yourself and risk breaking a nail in this situation, but I’m sure you can convince your boyfriend/husband to do the icky task for you. Also, take into consideration the air filter as well. You can improve gas mileage by replacing the air filter regularly.

A few “sacrifices”…

I’m absolutely sure you know that a mighty goal can be achieved if a few sacrifices are considered. Therefore, don’t use the air conditioning unless you absolutely have to. In addition, remove unnecessary items from your trunk; extra weight means less fuel economy. Nobody said it was easy to be satisfied with fewer luggages because women simply consider a lot of things in their car as highly important. Yet, the moment you start organizing a little bit, you’ll certainly realize there were a lot of things you could live without.

Furthermore, use a GPS or Google maps so you can plot and plan out your trips, which will help you to know exactly where you’re going and you’ll use less gas trying to find your way around town. Finally, consider using a sun reflector when parked – they keep the temperature inside the vehicle down.

In conclusion, it’s not highly necessary to buy another vehicle in order to join the green trend (although if you afforded one, you could consider the possibility of replacing your old car with a greener vehicle) and save the planet as there are plenty of other ways to be ecological when behind the wheel. Remember it might be one step for you, but it’s definitely a big green step for the humankind!
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