
Generations Collide as a P-51 Mustang Battles F-22 Raptor in DCS, Winner Will Shock You

DCS World F-22 vs P-51 7 photos
Photo: Growling Sidewinder/YouTube
DCS World F-22 vs P-51DCS World F-22 vs P-51DCS World F-22 vs P-51DCS World F-22 vs P-51DCS World F-22 vs P-51DCS World F-22 vs P-51
In many ways, the F-22 Raptor Stealth Fighter is the modern-day spiritual successor to the P-51 Mustang of World War II fame. The Mustang helped to write the playbook that would decades later give rise to the F-22 before the established doctrine of air superiority had fully taken shape.
So then, you'd imagine any hypothetical dogfight between the two would be a complete walk in the park for a stealth fighter, right? Well, we'll never know for sure, but the results of this clash in the world's most realistic combat flight simulator, DCS World, might help shed some light on things. Such was the case from the YouTube channel GrowlingSidewinder.

We're sure 99% of you are certain the Raptor could kick the snot out of a P-51 one-on-one in a dogfight. But to that, we say, modern jet fighters have a tendency to turn like a brick. This flaw presents opportunities for the misting to counter-attack.

But funnily enough, all the Mustang pilot needed to do was avoid the Raptor's barrage of 20-mm M60 cannon fire before the Raptor pilot proceeded to slam nose-first into what appeared to be a shopping mall parking lot. Someone was a bit overzealous in their dive attack, clearly.

As for round two, we quickly found out why the F-22 is a cut above the rest of contemporary jet fighters. Using its supreme thrust vectoring maneuverability and its AIM-120C AMRAAM missiles, the Raptor made quick work of the Mustang pilot, who promptly smacked face-first into the ground after bailing out.

But in the third and final sortie between the two, the Mustang was able to turn directly into the turning radius of the Raptor and fire off a sustained burst of .50 caliber Browning machine guns to send the Raptor hurdling into the ground. Completing in the process an unlikely win for vintage American iron.

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