
FIA to Bring Back Budget Cap Discussion

In an effort to further reduce costs inside Formula 1, the International Automobile Federation (FIA) is likely to reconsider its position on introducing budget capping. Although the idea of imposing a money-spending limit for all F1 teams is not new, as it was first discussed during the first part of the 2008 season. However, given the existing economic crisis worldwide, the FIA might push for a reevaluation of the matter during the next World Motor Sport Council meeting in March.

According to British website, it seems that Max Mosley is again considering putting the budget-cap proposal back on the discussion list. The idea has recently received the backing of several team owners in F1, including Sir Frank Williams.

Shortly after the cost-cutting plan introduced by the FIA for 2009/10 in December 2008, Williams urged the international body to implement further changes in order to reduce F1 costs dramatically. Budget capping was one of the his many proposals.

Mosley responded positively to the request, sending a letter to all teams earlier this year in which he set the grounds for a reevaluation of the budget-cap discussion in the near future. He insisted such a money-control system, if well implemented, would create a fair environment in Formula 1.

“It may be that in present circumstances, a voluntary cap would work because no manufacturer whose board has signed off the agreed amount would be likely to allow secret additional expenditure, while independent teams would probably not have access to the necessary cash,” explained Mosley in the aforementioned letter, as reported by

The FIA did not confirm the return of the budget-cap proposal on the discussion list for next month's meeting, but did mention, via an official statement, that they are preparing “radical proposes for 2010”.

“If adopted by the World Motor Sport Council, the new regulations will enable a team to compete for a fraction of current budgets but nevertheless field cars which can match those of the established teams,” red the statement.
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