
Ferrari 458 Drifting in the Street Is One Expensive Accident Waiting to Happen

Ferrari drifting in the street 1 photo
Photo: Screenshot from Facebook
The problem with money being the only criteria of selection for owning a supercar is that these kind of cars often end up in the wrong hands. It used to be that only certain gentlemen with proven driving skills would have access to the finest vehicles out there, but not anymore.
All you need now is a daddy with a fat bank account and not too much time to spare on your education. Be a good sport and he might just buy you that supercar that you want for your 21st birthday, because daddy loves you and, anyway, his friend just got his 21-year-old son a Lamborghini, and we have to keep up. But not copy him, so we’ll get a Ferrari.

That's how you turn a beautiful Italian supercar into a lethal weapon, and that's why these manufacturers would do very well to find a way to filter their clients. But we all know that's not exactly possible for all of their models - Ferrari does it for LaFerrari, for example - so things like what you're about to see in the clip below will continue to happen.

You'd think that there's a reason the cars that can usually be seen behaving like this are old, beaten up BMWs or some Japanese sports car with too much fiberglass pieces added to its body: they're cheap, rear-wheel-drive vehicles that every boy-racer can afford. And if they crash - and we all know they will eventually - it's not such a big deal. They just stick some more fiberglass to cover it and it's good to go. So the Ferrari should have a natural protection system to keep it away from such people, but here is proof that it doesn't always work.

We're not going to deny the man’s skills, but they’d be put to much better use on a closed track, not on public roads. And if the video starts light with some pull-away drifts, he does raise the bar later on when he starts crisscrossing through heavy traffic going just a few inches from the other cars. All it would have taken was for somebody to panic and brake, and all his calculations would’ve gone down the drain. The same place he should be going as well if he keeps this shit up.

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About the author: Vlad Mitrache
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"Boy meets car, boy loves car, boy gets journalism degree and starts job writing and editing at a car magazine" - 5/5. (Vlad Mitrache if he was a movie)
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