
Driver Took Down an Entire Fence With His Tesla Cybertruck. He Did It on Purpose!

Cybertruck driver takes down a fence 9 photos
Photo: Supercar_ron | Instagram
Cybertruck driver takes down a fenceCybertruck driver takes down a fenceCybertruck driver takes down a fenceCybertruck driver takes down a fenceCybertruck driver takes down a fenceCybertruck driver takes down a fenceCybertruck driver takes down a fenceCybertruck driver takes down a fence
Tesla has been labeling the Cybertruck as "bulletproof" and "waterproof" since day one. The poor thing even got hit on its debut event up on the stage in front of a large audience. But here comes a Cybertruck driver to prove it is also… fence-proof. Too bad that the poor fence is not Cybertruck-proof.
Ever since Tesla started deliveries on November 30, 2023, Cybetruck owners have done all sorts of insane and useless things to prove how rough and rough their vehicles actually are. They shot at it. They threw stainless steel balls into its windows. They slammed the doors with baseball bats. They propelled shopping carts into it.

They've put it through trials and tribulations so much that all these pointless actions prompted a Tesla engineer, Wes Morirll, to ask them: "Stop torturing your Cybertrucks!"

But that desperate call is far from being the end of it. In fact, it looks like it is just the beginning of next-level torments for the poor EV. The latest action is nonsense, as much as all others. A video uploaded to Instagram shows how the driver of a Cybertruck drives straight into a white fence on the side of the road and takes it down. He only stops where the fence ends.

It is true that the fence seemed made of plastic and that it did not seem to cause much of a damage to the Cybertruck. But there is a strip that looks like a scratch on the hood, caused by one of the vertical components of the fence, which seemingly tried to resist the attack of the EV.

Cybertruck driver takes down a fence
Photo: Supercar_ron | Instagram
The Tesla pickup truck that once again caused too much ado about nothing sports a black satin wrap on the front end and an undermined shade on the sides, which makes us wonder if there was ever a wrap there, if it was partially peeled off, or if the vehicle just needs to visit the car wash. It also features additional lights on the roof and on the front end. We have our doubts about those at the front staying intact, however.

The vehicle sports a sticker that reads "supercar_ron" on one of the rear windows. Towards the end, the footage shows the image of the one behind the wheel, and it looks like Supercar Ron. Ron is a supercar and hypercar collector from Utah. Even though he has his own YouTube channel and dedicated pages on social media, he never shows his face on camera. He wears his unmistakable disguise prop: fake beard, a cap, and sun glasses to hide his features.

Last winter, he borrowed his own Cybertruck to a team of daredevils and told them they could do anything they wanted with it. That is how the Cybertruck ended up climbing mountains covered in snow wearing tracks despite all the setbacks the team had to deal with.

This time, however, he faced the internet backlash for doing the fence stunt, as Instagram users accuse them of ruining a perfectly good car for clicks. We all know that the Cybertruck can take one for the team. If it were another pickup truck doing the job (hopefully, other drivers don't get any silly ideas, though!), its bumper would probably be sitting somewhere mid-way right now.

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