
Dirt Goat Is This Year's Most Impressive Electric Dirt Bike: Packs a Punch for Low Bucks

Dirt Goat 7 photos
Photo: Goat Power Bikes
Sur-Ron Light Bee X YouthDirt GoatDirt GoatDirt GoatDirt GoatDirt Goat
Countless electric motorcycle designs are popping up like dandelions during spring, and if this next one really performs as its presentation video shows, then we may have just found the electric dirt bike deal of the year.
Yes, I can consider the Dirt Goat to be one of the most attractive EV deals of the year. Why? Well, if it turns out like anything in the video below, then we're in for a real treat. That's because this puppy is priced at no more than $4,000 (€3,700 at current exchange rates), a damn good deal once we consider the following what it brings to the table.

But, before we go on, allow me to point out a thing or two about the minds and hands behind the magic, none other than Goat Power Bikes, a crew headquartered in Southern California. But, as you'd expect, China plays a major role in their products. Oh, and they initially entered the market as nothing more than an e-bike manufacturer or brand, and their one and only spin-off is the Dirt Goat.

Now, I already mentioned how much this puppy requires to be owned, but what are we paying for? Well, we can start our exploration with nothing other than that aluminum frame, the one and the same that resembles yet another brand I've covered on several occasions, good old Sur-Ron, but some of their earlier models. However, it does come across as a tad bulkier, mainly because of the motor guard out in front and the larger battery bay.

Sur\-Ron Light Bee X Youth
Photo: autoevolution
From there, it's onto features like the motor, and this is where we can clearly see China start sticking its fingers in the pie, and that's not necessarily a bad thing, not when the motor manufacturer is Bafang, one of the godfathers of the e-bike and e-motor industry. Oh, and just to show you that Goat Power Bikes did their research on what the people really want and need, the motor is mid-mounted.

What does all this translate to? It means nothing more than a motor with a peak of 6,000 W of power, cranks out a whopping 380 Nm (280 lb-ft) of torque, and has a top speed of 53 mph (85 kph). That all sounds frigging amazing, if you ask me, especially for someone that loves to venture off-road. CST tires are there for the grip, but if you don't like them, a new pair should put too big of a hole in your pocket; be sure to adapt your tires to the terrain you ride.

One downside of such a powerful motor is that they often suck up electrified juice like it's a Carpi-Sun on a summer day, and this is where we may spot a bit of a downside for the Dirt Goat. With the presence of a 30 Ah battery, riding around at 25 mph (40 kph), you'll achieve a peak range of 40 miles (64 km).

Dirt Goat
Photo: Goat Power Bikes
Start twisting that half throttle, and that number will surely start dropping. If the battery pack is removable and I can quickly swap it with a recharged one, then that's fine; if not, I don't like the idea of having to sit around for up to four hours for a recharge, assuming I have a power source out in the woods.

Beyond all the wires, controllers, and screws, Goat also adds a pair of four-piston hydraulic disc brakes for stopping power and a fully adjustable suspension system. Speaking of suspensions, the front offers 203 mm of travel, and the rear shock, just 83 mm and tops out at 450 lbs (204 kg) of load.

The final details that may give you an idea of just how large this puppy may be and how you'll feel riding one include a wheelbase of 50 inches (127 cm), seat height of 33 inches (84 cm), and a ground clearance of 10 inches (25 cm). Oh, and it'll weigh 147 lbs (67 kg) with a battery.

Dirt Goat
Photo: Goat Power Bikes
What I found rather "In your face, Sur-Ron!" was the statement that the Dirt Goat's "seat can be removed to make it a mountain climbing dirt bike." It definitely looks like it's got the power, and if you can mess around with speed and torque settings, this may just be the funnest EV of the year, but also deadly, so make sure you're wearing all the proper gear.

As for what you can do with this thing, well, I feel you got a pretty good idea from the stats, but for the average Joe like me, who isn't always riding off-road, it may even be a solid urban mobility solution. Just replace the tires with some more asphalt-oriented rubbers, and off you go.

Beyond that, it's got to be really neat to have a couple of these babies hanging off the rear of your RV or camper. Considering that mobile and off-grid habitats are often equipped with an electrical setup that taps into the powers of the sun, that 40 miles or less range of riding around shouldn't feel too bad since you can squeeze in a ride during sunset, park it for a few hours, do it for lunch, and four hours later, mount up again for a sunset ride. Not bad, Goat, not bad, at all.

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About the author: Cristian Curmei
Cristian Curmei profile photo

A bit of a nomad at heart (being born in Europe and raised in several places in the USA), Cristian is enamored with travel trailers, campers and bikes. He also tests and writes about urban means of transportation like scooters, mopeds and e-bikes (when he's not busy hosting our video stories and guides).
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