
Dethleffs' Globevan Camper Is the Perfect Ford for the Outdoor-Loving Weekend Warrior

Globevan 12 photos
Photo: Dethleffs GmbH & Co. KG
Mobile living takes on countless faces. From massive overlanding machines to quirky little campers that can even be hitched up behind a bicycle. Well, one of Europe's biggest names, Dethleffs, seems to be catering to a new niche market, the urban camper.
That's right, folks, the urban camper is a thing, and one crew that's been tinkering with this idea for years is Dethleffs. Well, this time around, we dive deeper into their Globevan, a sort of "minivan" for the modern outdoorsman or weekend warrior.

Oh, and just so we're on the same page here, this puppy is built upon a Ford Transit Custom chassis, so all the features we love from the timeless brand are in place and assisting our experience every inch of the way. It's all powered by a 2.0-liter diesel engine with a peak of 150 hp.

Now, I could sit here and bore you with technical details regarding what's in store with this one, but instead, I'd like to do things a bit differently today and simply paint a picture of what our lives may be like with such a machine. To do that, let's pretend we own one of these puppies, load it up with the goods you need to live happy, clean, and adventurous, and let's go. Oh, and to do this, all we'll need is around $70K (€65K at current exchange rates) for a 2024 unit.

Photo: Dethleffs GmbH & Co. KG
Starting with the exterior of this RV, most people wouldn't think twice that this unit is designed to accommodate on-road living, at first glance, anyway. But, as we look closer, we can spot a pop-top design and the presence of roof rails, a clear indicator that this puppy is designed for more than just taking the kids to sports or band practice.

Speaking of band practice, that's one of the beauties of this sort of RV design; it can meet the needs of day-to-day living and come the weekend, or whenever that feeling of exploration kicks in, load it up with food, campsite tools, toys, and even dirt or e-bikes, and off you go. Why not throw on a few SUPs or surfboards on top?

As for the interior of this urban on-roader, I was surprised to see a level of modularity that, in my opinion, far exceeds the price for a new unit. For example, there's seating for up to six guests to join a trip, and the rear seats are set up in a conference configuration (face-to-face), so no one in the back is sure to get bored while on your way to your destination.

Photo: Dethleffs GmbH & Co. KG
One neat feature of the interior is the rail system we see on the floor. Because of this simple tool, the interior can be transformed to the needs at hand. Sure, you can leave all the seats inside or take one out for a touch of extra room. Maybe you've left the kids at home, so take out the two forward benches and fill the empty space with whatever you'd like.

Planning on leaving the significant other at home to spend some time with the other love of your life, your dirt bike? Eliminate all the rear seats, grab a handful of tie-downs, and you're set. You will, however, be sharing the bedroom with your dirty toy if the sunset catches you out on the dunes. Just kidding, the rooftop nest can accommodate two guests, too, so you'll have a soft mattress under your bones no matter what.

Further into the Globevan magic, I love the fact that Dethleff's experience shines through with some basics that the outdoor lover is sure to appreciate. There's plenty of storage space for food, clothes, and tools, but there's also a gas cooktop that slides out from one of the storage bays, a fridge/freezer combo, and 95 Ah of battery power.

Photo: Dethleffs GmbH & Co. KG
I didn't notice any solar panels or anything of the sort, but Dethleffs is the sort of crew that has just about everything you need. All you have to do is raise a hand, sign that checkbook, and off you go. Maybe you're lucky enough for your dealership to have thought of adding this all-essential feature.

Now, take all that we've just talked about, place yourself and your family in the center of the action, and what do we have? Well, an RV that doubles as a normal vehicle allows us to mix and match its interior to our needs and can even accommodate your other smaller vehicles. All in the name of outdoor living and all for the price of what a new Ford Transit van actually costs. That's a pretty dang good deal if you ask me.

If, however, you need something a bit more capable in terms of off-road capability, Dethleffs also has a Trail version, which brings slightly different features to the game and insulation to let you stay out there for longer. Be sure to explore both options and find the one appropriate for you. This is just a little something to think about if you're looking for an RV or camper, and you won't even need to own two vehicles.
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About the author: Cristian Curmei
Cristian Curmei profile photo

A bit of a nomad at heart (being born in Europe and raised in several places in the USA), Cristian is enamored with travel trailers, campers and bikes. He also tests and writes about urban means of transportation like scooters, mopeds and e-bikes (when he's not busy hosting our video stories and guides).
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