
Deadmau5 Just Became an Uber Driver with His McLaren 650 S

Deadmau5 Drove People with His McLaren 650 S as an Uber Driver 3 photos
Photo: Tucker Schreiber on Twitter
Deadmau5 Just Went Uber Driver with His McLaren 650 SDeadmau5 Just Went Uber Driver with His McLaren 650 S
Deadmau5 is pretty popular for the music he makes and people would always recognize him for the mouse logo, but for petrol heads he is just a really cool car enthusiast. After telling his fans he’ll become an Uber drive, Zimmerman actually took people for a ride last night, with his brand new McLaren 650S.
If you’re living in Toronto and you love cars you might want to check out the Uber app for a ride because there is a pretty big chance you’ll actually get Deadmau5 driving his McLaren 650S at your door. Whether he was bored or it’s yet another funny way to become popular, point is the Canadian DJ is definitely a man of honor, who actually keeps all his promises.

We already told you guys Zimmerman tweeted he’ll sign up to be an Uber driver “for shits and giggles.” Well, he actually kept his promises considering Uber Toronto just posted a couple of pictures taking by customers who actually hired Deadmau5 as their personal chauffeur.

The Canadian DJ even thanked folks over at Uber for his little adventure quoting: “Lol, well that was fun... gunna keep the app handy... never know when i get bored n might wanna go out for a spin.”

Now, we’re left wondering how much the “supertaxi” would cost us if we were to call Uber for a ride, but maybe you guys can help us with this one.
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