
Dan Bilzerian Finally Made It on an NASCAR Race Track, But He Was Not Driving

Dan Bilzerian Finally Makes It on an NASCAR Race Track, But He’s Not Driving 4 photos
Photo: Greg Baroth on Twitter
Dan Bilzerian Finally Makes It on an NASCAR Race TrackDan Bilzerian Finally Makes It on an NASCAR Race TrackDan Bilzerian Finally Makes It on an NASCAR Race Track
So Dan Bilzerian plays poker for big stakes like only a few people out there do. His greatest wish ever? To compete in an actual race. He has the money, he has the cars, the only thing missing is the work hard type of culture that gets you there, apparently. But if there’s one thing that the millionaire hustler is not, that’s a quitter.
If he wants to race, he’ll find a way. That’s pretty much the message here. Last time he sort of managed to get close to the smell of a burnt NASCAR tire was a couple of months ago when Bilzerian got permission to hold the flag for a while. Now, the person whom Wikipedia names an “internet social media subject” is renown for pulling the weirdest stunts on the players he beats at poker.

We rather like to call him the Renegade of Instagram or at least that’s how we used until recently when we kind of stopped reporting on his car adventures. However, this one had to be related. It turns out one of the owners of Burger King Racing team, Ron Devine, lost a poker game against Bilzerian recently.

Instead of forcing Ron to pay up in cash, as he’d normally do, the 34-year-old millionaire asked him to get his mug plastered on one of Ron’s NASCAR whips. According to Greg Baroth, who was there to see the car in person, the vehicle drove this Saturday at the Sprint Cup Race.

Like having a huge bearded face on the hood of a race car wouldn’t be enough already, he also had Ron wrap the vehicle with a picture of his pet goat Zeus.

Having fun? Bilzerian sure is.
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