
Dad Builds Really Simple Go Kart for His Kid, It’s Powered by a Cordless Drill

Dad Builds Really Simple Go Kart for His Kid 1 photo
Photo: Screenshots from Daddy Handy's Youtube Account
So your wife has been asking you to get off that couch and stop spending every weekend watching TV and sipping beer, but you keep telling her building a Go Kart for your kid is not really a safe thing to do if you don’t know what you’re up to. Well, stop being lazy and check out this fellow’s idea, because it’s smart, simple and cheap.
“Alright, alright, alright” you can hear yourself saying as you realize making a surprise to your 5-year old son can actually be satisfactory. So what if you don’t have enough cash to buy an actual Go Kart, as long as you can build it yourself we don’t see the problem.

You just need to grab some of those scattered things you have in your garage and make some proper use of them. It’s all about simple machines, such as levers, pulleys and wedges. The chassis is made of planks of wood the craftsman bolted together and the wheels are from a wagon.

The bast part is how this puppy gets its wheels turning. If you look closer you’ll see an electric drill powering the whole contraption, as the young driver controls it through a clever pulley system connected to a pedal. While the steering wheel seem to be a yellow Frisbee, the brakes function similarly to the acceleration.

We’re still not sure how safe the whole thing is, by we sure appreciate the man’s talent at building stuff with his bare hands.

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