
Crashed and Smashed 2020 Dodge Challenger SRT Still Has Life in It, Its HEMI Begs To Live

2020 Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat Redeye is a part donor 11 photos
Photo: goonzquad | YouTube
2020 Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat Redeye is a part donor2020 Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat Redeye is a part donor2020 Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat Redeye is a part donor2020 Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat Redeye is a part donor2020 Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat Redeye is a part donor2020 Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat Redeye is a part donor2020 Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat Redeye is a part donor2020 Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat Redeye is a part donor2020 Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat Redeye is a part donor2020 Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat Redeye is a part donor
Two brothers brought a crashed and smashed 2020 Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat Redeye to the dealership and joked that they were going to rebuild it. The car looked as if it had just come out of the crusher.
What is left of the Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat Redeye is coming off at the touch of a finger. The tarp that covered the horrific wreck entangled with the remnants of the vehicle.

They are definitely not planning to rebuild it, but use it as an organ donor. That supercharged 6.2-liter HEMI V8, pumping out 797 horsepower (808 metric horsepower), is going to be used for a heart transplant.

It's clear that the jaws of life have been used on this car because the pillars are detached from the rest of the body. It looks as if a cannon or an entire army shot at the muscle car. In fact, it probably rolled over a few times.

The suspension at the rear still seems to be one piece; the brakes and shocks can also be donated, and the car has one set of intact wheels.

2020 Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat Redeye is a part donor
Photo: goonzquad | YouTube
Whoever picked up the pieces of the Dodge at the crash scene just threw them in, over the seats. So the door and rear bumper are now sitting where the cabin used to be. The roof is so deformed that you can hardly tell it was once the roof of a Challenger. The odometer is now sitting on the rear seats.

Simeon and Eleazar from Goonzquad bought the wreck in an auction for $10,000. The listing said "no key." But they hope that, once they start cleaning up, they might find it.

The vehicle has the "DD" lettering written on it, which means it was a drink-and-drive situation. It is proof that the two don't go well together. Not even the driver's seat and steering wheel retained their original shape. The steering column broke off, while the start & stop button is dangling from the dashboard.

The trunk floor is severly bent and the battery was dislocated from its spot. The booster cables they find in there seem to be the only thing that remained in one piece in this car.

When they put in a new battery, the dashboard lights up, and they can see that the four-year-old Dodge has little over 13,000 miles on the clock. But there is still no sign of the key.

2020 Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat Redeye is a part donor
Photo: goonzquad | YouTube
They are going to take the wreck to the dealership and get a key fob programmed for it. "I told them we're bringing a brand-new car that just needs a key," Eleazar jokes.

To make more room that would allow them to work on the car, they chop off what is left of the pillars. They trailer the Dodge to the dealership and shock everyone there. "We are test-driving it!" they laugh. "We're trading it in!" they say. Nobody believes them.

In the dealership yard, they try to start the engine, but the supercharger belt is stuck, so a service employee cuts it off. It still doesn't work because some sensors might not be connected properly, the fuel tank might be punctured, some wires might be detached after the impact, or maybe the fuel doesn't get where it should. They are going to check everything and fix whatever needs to be fixed.

Once they get the Redeye key fob, they take the car back to the shop to try to start that HEMI. First, they find out that there is zero fuel in the tank, and feeding it some petrol might just be the solution. They also change a fuse and that is it. The engine fires right up and roars back to life. So that almighty HEMI and the transmission will go right into something that they call "insane."

The two brothers fixed a Dodge Challenger that was abandoned outside their shop

Just as insane was the two of them fixing a 2019 Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat Redeye that was parked in front of their shop a couple of months ago. The driver handed them the key and walked away. Later, they got a call from the owner of the Challenger, Larry.

The car had been involved in a DUI case, and the owner didn’t want to have anything with it anymore. So, he sold it to Simeon and Eleazar, and they started working on it.

It was, in fact, more of a challenge than they thought it would be. The muscle car had gone airborne and had landed violently. That landing deformed just about everything underneath.

The two brothers worked things out within hours, once they got the necessary parts. They are now planning to sell the five-year-old muscle car and make a profit. They paid $30,000 to buy it from Larry. Now, they hope to sell it for around $60,000.

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