
CLS 63 AMG Shooting Brake in Most Romantic Spyshots Yet!

2015 Mercedes CLS 63 AMG Shooting Brake 6 photos
Photo: Automedia
2015 Mercedes CLS 63 AMG Shooting Brake2015 Mercedes CLS 63 AMG Shooting Brake2015 Mercedes CLS 63 AMG Shooting Brake2015 Mercedes CLS 63 AMG Shooting Brake2015 Mercedes CLS 63 AMG Shooting Brake
What, "romantic spyshots"? Maybe we've had too much of this new cinnamon-flavored coffee we have around the office. But it's not just that, this test prototype has something amazing about it.
With the sun to its side and he charred grass to the side, the blacked out test vehicle looks like the B2 bomber or F-117 back when these Skunk Works airplanes were still secretive.

Just like the stealth airplanes, the CLS has little it can hide nowadays. This is quite clearly the 2015 model year facelift for the CLS 63 AMG Shooting Brake. It will be powered by the same 5.5-liter V8 engine and there are really no big powertrain changes to be made, since both the S-Model power boost and 4Matic all-wheel drive have been added to the CLS. We don't think they'll change the gearbox either, since the 9 G-Tronic isn't suited for AMG use.

In spite of this, there will be plenty of cosmetic changes exhibited by the CLS 63 AMG Shooting Brake. Designers are taking the angle grinder to all the sharp edges in an effort to make this car look more like the S-Class.
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About the author: Mihnea Radu
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Mihnea's favorite cars have already been built, the so-called modern classics from the '80s and '90s. He also loves local car culture from all over the world, so don't be surprised to see him getting excited about weird Japanese imports, low-rider VWs out of Germany, replicas from Russia or LS swaps down in Florida.
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