
Cadillac DeVille Makes Scripted Debut for 2025 Looking Like a Mafia-Approved Car

2025 Cadillac DeVille - Rendering 6 photos
Photo: Instagram | vburlapp
2025 Cadillac DeVille - Rendering2025 Cadillac - Rendering2025 Cadillac - Rendering2025 Cadillac - Rendering2025 Cadillac - Rendering
Certain car manufacturers have brought back all kinds of iconic monikers from the dead. Some stay true to the ICE recipe, albeit with different body styles, whereas others have become EVs, as their respective makers are trying to cash in more on them.
Various companies will still use this strategy in the future, and if you ask petrolheads what nameplate they'd want to see on an upcoming product, you'd get different answers. Some Cadillac fans would probably want a brand-new DeVille, and chances are you agree. After all, you're reading about a hypothetical fresh take on this model.

Rendering artists have gone all-in on a possible brand-new Cadillac DeVille these past few years. We've seen some interesting takes on this ride with sexy design cues and various powertrains, and a small bunch was on the unappealing side in terms of visuals. So, where does the latest digital illustration imagining such a model stand? In the cool category, if you ask this writer.

This CGI came from vburlapp on Instagram and recently graced the World Wide Web. It looks like a mafia-approved car worthy of starring in a new Godfather movie. The vehicle sports a classy body that mixes a lot of sharp angles. It has a long hood, a roofline that slightly arches towards the rear, thick rear pillars that look extremely cool yet they'd ruin the rear three-quarter visibility, small side windows reminding us of the defunct Chevy Camaro, a short front overhang, and a long rear one.

We reckon this Cadillac DeVille would have looked far better if it wore a black paint finish on that elegant body. We'd also retain the occasional chrome elements for some well-deserved contrast, and we'd retain those double multi-spoke alloys, which fill the arches very well. However, it is certainly not bad at all in this configuration, and we absolutely adore it, as stated above.

GM's premium car brand likely does not intend to revive this nameplate. If it does in the coming years, it probably won't be a classy sedan with a timeless design, as these rides have become less popular than crossovers and SUVs. Even if it somehow becomes a four-door, it might get a fully electric powertrain, perhaps in different configurations, a move that would make it future-proof emissions-wise but would lose some of its appeal.

Overall, we'd love to see a brand-new Cadillac DeVille, especially with styling inspired by the latest rendering shared above, and we'd certainly pick it up over a rivaling Mercedes, Jaguar, BMW, Audi, and so on. We think most petrolheads agree that the automotive world needs more traditional rides, and a fresh DeVille would be a dream one. But would you kick that high-rider out of bed for it?

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Editor's note: Additional renderings from the same artist shared in the gallery.

About the author: Cristian Gnaticov
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After a series of unfortunate events put an end to Cristian's dream of entering a custom built & tuned old-school Dacia into a rally competition, he moved on to drive press cars and write for a living. He's worked for several automotive online journals and now he's back at autoevolution after his first tour in the mid-2000s.
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