
Batman’s Batcycle Involved in Crash on The Flash Movie Set

Batman's Bicycle on the set of The Flash in Glasgow, Scotland 6 photos
Photo: Twitter / Flash Film News
Batman is seen riding the Batcycle in upcoming The Flash movieBatman is seen riding the Batcycle in upcoming The Flash movieBatman is seen riding the Batcycle in upcoming The Flash movieBatman is seen riding the Batcycle in upcoming The Flash movieBatman is seen riding the Batcycle in upcoming The Flash movie
Batman has gotten himself into an accident, and this is no figure of speech. A two-motorcycle accident on the set of the new DC / Warner Bros. movie The Flash has halted production and may have put one of the stuntmen into hospital.
The Flash is now shooting in Glasgow, Scotland. Despite its name, it’s an ensemble movie, believed to be loosely based on Flashpoint, and it will feature appearances from two Batmans: the one played by Michael Keaton and the other by Ben Affleck. Earlier this week, Affleck’s Batman was spotted on set, riding the Batcycle in a new Batsuit.

In reality, it was a stuntman: Affleck is currently on vacation in the Mediterranean, but principal photography is working around his schedule. The stuntman in question has been involved in an accident with the Batcycle, which is basically a regular motorcycle with a ginormous kit on top, Glasgow Live reports.

Details are a bit sketchy right now, but eyewitnesses on site say that another stuntman who also worked as a cameraman was following the Batcycle on his own bike, shooting for a new scene. At one point, the cameraman slammed into the back of the Batcycle and may have ended up under it. As per the report, the Batcycle was traveling at speed down t speed Renfield Street, with the crash occurring near the junction with West George Street.

Production was halted immediately and an ambulance was called. It’s very likely that the cameraman was taken away to the hospital, since the crew started applauding as the emergency vehicle pulled away. Whether the Batman stuntman was also injured isn’t known, as neither is the state in which the Batcycle was left.

The Flash also stars Ezra Miller as the titular character and Sasha Calle as Supergirl, and is directed by Andy Muschietti. It will be out in theaters in November 2022.

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About the author: Elena Gorgan
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Elena has been writing for a living since 2006 and, as a journalist, she has put her double major in English and Spanish to good use. She covers automotive and mobility topics like cars and bicycles, and she always knows the shows worth watching on Netflix and friends.
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