
Amazon Vehicles Is Your New Go-to Destination for All Things with Four Wheels

Amazon vehicles 5 photos
Photo: Screenshot from website
Amazon VehiclesAmazon VehiclesAmazon VehiclesAmazon Vehicles
Only a few days ago we were talking about how online shopping for cars hasn't really taken off yet, and how it might take a little more until people are ready to make this step. Well, Amazon does its bit to bring this day closer by launching a new website called Amazon Vehicles.
Ironically, the only thing you can't do there is to buy a car, but you can learn a lot about new or older models, have them filtered by numerous criteria, and read owner reviews before finally making a decision. The website is actually so vast it may be a little intimidating at first.

It contains everything from vehicle prices to the sales brochure provided by the manufacturer and the official photos of any particular model. Amazon calls it a "car research destination," and we can't see anything wrong with that description.

"Our goal is to support customers during one of the most important, research-intensive purchases in their lives by helping them make informed decisions every step of the way," says Adam Goetsch, Amazon's automotive director. "Amazon Vehicles is a great resource for customers who are interested in car information or looking for a broad selection of parts and accessories – all enhanced by the ability to tap into the knowledge, opinions, and experiences of other car owners within the Amazon customer community."

The one thing that visitors will be able to buy is parts and accessories for their cars. With the Amazon Garage feature that allows users to park the cars they own in a virtual garage, the search for compatible parts is also made a lot easier.

Amazon encourages those on the website to interact with each other, ask questions, add reviews and send in photos and videos of their cars. But even without the support of the community, the Amazon Vehicles already provides lots of content that people in the market for a car will find extremely useful.

It all sounds great, but there's just one thing we're not so crazy about: the part where owners get to rate their own cars. We all know how this goes. People tend to either love or hate their cars. You can't expect objectivity and impartiality from someone who has put a lot of money into the decision he's made.

If the vehicle isn't terrible, they'll claim is the best in the world, five stars no question about it. If they've had some issues and the dealership hasn't been very helpful, then they'll start bashing the vehicle more than it actually deserves. There's no middle ground. So, if you ask us, you should stick to independent reviewers (blink, blink).
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About the author: Vlad Mitrache
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"Boy meets car, boy loves car, boy gets journalism degree and starts job writing and editing at a car magazine" - 5/5. (Vlad Mitrache if he was a movie)
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