
2026 BMW M5 Touring Gets Previewed in Fantasy Land: Will It Be Heavier Than a Tank?

2026 BMW M5 Touring rendering by sugardesign_1 15 photos
Photo: sugardesign_1 / Instagram
2026 BMW M5 Touring rendering by sugardesign_12026 BMW M5 Touring rendering by sugardesign_12026 BMW M5 Touring rendering by sugardesign_12025 BMW M52025 BMW M52025 BMW M52025 BMW M52025 BMW M52025 BMW M52025 BMW M52025 BMW M52025 BMW M52025 BMW M52025 BMW M5
Recently launched with the most power ever, the 2025 BMW M5 is a game of contrasts – it comes with both a V8 and electric power, so it has up to 717 horsepower but also weighs no less than 5,390 pounds – that's around 2.5 tons!
Obviously, while the styling is pretty good for a modern BMW in the era of XMs, 7 Series, and M3s or M4s, there's a new source of Internet memes: "BMW's M5 is heavier than…" Automotive publications refrain from jokes, so they are comparing the weight with the Chevrolet Tahoe, Ford F-150, X5, Hellcat, or electric 5 Series, which has many more batteries in its pack.

BMW fans would let it slide (they'll have to; you can't fight gravitational forces forever!) if not for the pesky detail that the new M5 is slower to 62 mph than the old one – not just much heavier. Also, the twin-turbocharged 4.4-liter V8 and the single electric motor hidden inside the eight-speed transmission have 717 hp and 738 lb-ft, which is less than what you are getting with an XM Label Red.

Of course, BMW did that because the unsightly XM is even more of a behemoth – it weighs in at over 6k pounds, which is almost 2,750 kilograms! It seems that BMW has forgotten that lightness brings the best out of performance vehicles, just like it forgot that standing out in any crowd, including the wrong ones, with their designs, is not exactly the best way to make yourself beloved by a new generation of automotive enthusiasts.

Anyway, all that doesn't mean the BMW M5 won't sell or that it's not one of the major attractions of the first month of summer of 2024. On the contrary, a lot of people are happy to see the M5 arrive in an official capacity after tons of teasers, spied prototypes, and unofficial renderings – that makes them one step closer to seeing the return of the BMW M5 Touring.

No worries, the rumor mill and the imaginative realm of digital car content creators have quickly stepped in because now it's even easier to envision the practical station wagon version. Plus, remember, this one is also coming to the United States to spite the Audi RS 6 Avant (or make it laugh when they weigh each other out).

So, here's the latest unofficial preview for the upcoming 2026 BMW M5 Touring – all thanks to Sugar Chow, the virtual artist better known as sugardesign_1 on social media, who has decided to CGI present his vision for the potential next-gen M5 Touring in the same glorious green shade used on the launch models of the M5 sedan. Do you like it, or is the potentially even higher weight already a point of no return?

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Editor's note: Gallery includes official images of BMW M5 sedan.

About the author: Aurel Niculescu
Aurel Niculescu profile photo

Aurel has aimed high all his life (literally, at 16 he was flying gliders all by himself) so in 2006 he switched careers and got hired as a writer at his favorite magazine. Since then, his work has been published both by print and online outlets, most recently right here, on autoevolution.
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